Campus Recreation CCP/YEC Student Membership Information

Students in College Credit Plus (CCP), English Language Institute (ELI), Youngstown Early College (YEC), or enrolled in the Police Officer Training Academy may require additional waiver forms.

College Credit Plus (CCP):

As a CCP student enrolled at YSU, you have access to the YSU Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center (which includes the climbing wall, strength and conditioning area, indoor track, Group X classes) beginning the first day of classes for the semester of enrollment. In order to use the facility or any department programs, you must: 

Be registered for at least 1 semester hour of the term in which you wish to use it. For example: You must be registered for fall semester for fall access and spring semester for spring access. Access begins the first day of the registered semester. 
Have a YSU Picture ID (this MUST be a vertical ID specific to the CCP program as of 1/10/16)
Be 16 years of age or older (must show state issued photo ID that includes birth date for age verification)
Complete and return a Facility Access waiver [1]* for building access and Climbing Wall waiver for climbing wall use on the first day of classes or after during the registered semester. Those students under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian signature on the waiver.

Students with a fall waiver on file do not need to fill out a new waiver for spring and summer semester. These students need to visit the administrative office in the Rec Center with their vertical YSU ID and State ID for age verification on or after the first day of classes so that YSU student status can be verified with a current waiver on file.
New waivers must be completed every fall semester.

Important Program Information:

Steps to Gain Access to Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center:

Obtain vertical YSU Photo ID
Obtain and complete Facility Access waiver [1]* and Climbing Wall Waiver from Campus Rec Website with parent/guardian signature if under 18 years of age
Register for Rec Center Membership (in person) at the Campus Recreation Administrative office on or after the first day of classes with the following:
Vertical YSU Photo ID
State issued ID for age verification
Completed waivers (signed by parent or guardian if under 18) 

Dates of Access to the Facility

Fall semester students gain access the Sunday prior to the first day of classes for fall semester through the final Friday of the fall semester. (No access during winter break.)
Spring semester students gain access the Sunday prior to the first day of classes for spring semester through the final Friday of the spring semester. (No access during summer break unless registered for summer classes.)
Summer semester students gain access the first Monday of classes for summer semester through the final Friday of the summer semester.

Guest Pass Policy: Guest passes CANNOT be sponsored by CCP students.

As of August 18, 2019:

As a CCP student enrolled at YSU, you  are eligible to purchase  a membership to YSU Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center (which includes the climbing wall, strength and conditioning area, indoor track, Group X classes, checkout locks, equipment  and towels) beginning the first day of classes for the semester of enrollment. Membership options include: Daily pass or semester pass.

Daily Fee:     


Semester (1st day to the 1st day of the following semester):                         


Important Program Information:

In order to use the facility or any department programs, you must: 

  • Be registered for at least 1 semester hour of the term in which you wish to purchase a day pass or membership. 
    • For example: You must be registered for fall semester for fall access and spring semester for spring access.
  • Membership eligibility begins the first Monday of the registered semester. 
  • Register for Rec Center Membership (in person) at the Campus Recreation Administrative office (Andrews Student Recreation & Wellness Center) Office Operating Hours.
  • Obtain and present a YSU Photo ID (this MUST be a vertical ID specific to the CCP Program).
  • Be 16 years of age or older (must show state issued photo ID that includes birth date for age verification)
  • Complete and return a Facility Access Waiver [1]* for building access and Climbing Wall Waiver for climbing wall use on the first day of classes or after during the registered semester. Those students under the age of 18 must have a parent or guardian signature on the waiver, Students with a fall waiver on file do not need to fill out a new waiver for spring and summer semester. These students need to visit the administrative office in the Rec Center with their vertical YSU ID and State ID for age verification on or after the first Monday of classes so that YSU student status can be verified with a current waiver on file.
  • New waivers must be completed every fall semester.

Dates of Access to the Facility

Students registered for fall semester gain access on Monday the first day of classes for fall semester through the final Friday of the fall semester prior to the beginning of spring semester.
Students registered for spring semester students gain access on Monday the first day of classes for spring semester through the final Friday of the spring semester prior to the beginning of summer semester
Students registered for summer semester students gain access on Monday the first day of classes for summer semester through the final Friday of the summer semester.
Waivers will not be accepted before the Sunday prior to each semester at which time they can be collected in the main administrative office of the Rec Center.

Guest Pass Policy:

CCP/YEC Students are not permitted to purchase Guest Passes.

Youngstown Early College (YEC):

YEC Students- Youngstown Early College students whom have been approved by the YEC Program are able to use the Rec Center.

An ID presented by someone other than the rightful owner will be confiscated. Campus Recreation staff, along with Campus Police, reserve the right to request additional identification at any time. Refusal to provide identification will result in disciplinary action and/or referral to University Student Conduct.

Guest Pass Policy:

CCP/YEC Students are not permitted to purchase Guest Passes.

Important Program Information:

Steps to Gain Access to Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center:

  • Obtain vertical YSU Photo ID
  • Obtain and complete Facility Access Waiver and Climbing Wall Waiver from Campus Rec Website with parent/guardian signature if under 18 years of age
  • Register for Rec Center Membership (in person) at the Campus Recreation Administrative office (Campus Recreation Operating Hours) on or after the first day of classes with the following:
  • Vertical YSU Photo ID
  • State issued ID for age verification
  • Completed waivers (signed by parent or guardian if under 18) 

Guest Pass Policy:

CCP/YEC Students are not permitted to purchase Guest Passes.

Where is the Rec Center located?

The Rec Center is located between Stambaugh Stadium and DeBartolo Hall off of Fifth Avenue. It sits next to the YSU Bookstore. Parking is available in either parking deck (M2, located off of Fifth avenue)

Please email Cameron Adams with any questions.