
The Provost is the Chief Academic Officer of the University, with responsibility for all of its academic operations.  Together with the Deans of the various colleges and the academic support staff, the Provost determines the academic strategy and priorities.  In partnership with faculty and staff, we coordinate faculty recruitment, academic program development and review, student success programs, research and economic development, international and global initiatives, and community outreach and service. Our objective is to help students achieve their highest level of success by developing and maintaining excellence throughout the university’s academic endeavors.

the Colleges at Youngstown State

Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences, and Education (BCLASSE)

BCLASSE Academic Advising

Course Catalog Information:

Bitonte College of Health and Human Services (BCHHS)

BCHHS Academic Advising

Course Catalog Information:

Cliffe College of Creative Arts (CCCA)

CCCA Academic Advising

Course Catalog Information:

College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)

STEM Academic Advising

Course Catalog Information:

Williamson College of Business Administration (WCBA)

WCBA Academic Advising

Course Catalog Information:

Sokolov Honors College

Youngstown State Online