Strength and Conditioning
- Closed-toe, rubber-soled athletic footwear (tennis shoes) required – no boots, flip flops, sandals, open-toe, or “Croc” type shoes are permitted.
- Athletic shorts or sweatpants are required. Clothing with metal buttons, rivets, zippers, studs and/or snaps is prohibited.
- A shirt must be worn at all times. Tank tops are permitted in all areas, but must cover the midriff and rib cage.
- No mid-drifts, sports bras, or overly revealing shorts allowed in activity spaces.
- Street clothes are prohibited on all equipment.
- Campus Recreation Services staff reserve the right to determine if attire is appropriate.
- Water only is permitted in closed plastic bottles with lids (no water additives, protein shakes, sport drinks, pop, fast food containers, etc., are allowed).
- No food is permitted in the activity areas (past the ID check turnstile).
- Food and prohibited drinks will be confiscated and violators will face disciplinary action.
- No one under the age of 16 is allowed access to the free weight area.
- All personal belongings must be stored in the provided cubbies or secured in a locked locker.
- The Department of Campus Recreation is not responsible for lost/stolen items.
- Clips and collars are highly recommended for all free bar lifts.
- Weights must be controlled at all times.
- Improper use of equipment is prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, standing on equipment and benches, standing on weights, stacking weights under equipment, top loading and stepping on weights.
- All exercise equipment must be used according to manufactures designated guidelines. This includes, but not limited to, walking backwards on treadmills, side stepping on Step mills or using the assisted chin up and dip machine as a leg press.
- Weights/feet should never be set on benches; this includes dumbbells, free weights and bars.
- Olympic lifts are permitted only in dedicated areas and subject to staff supervision/department policy.
- The use of chalk is prohibited.
- For your safety, the use of a spotter and equipment safeties are highly recommended.
- Wiping down equipment after use is mandatory (please do not spray machines directly with cleaning solution).
- Return all equipment and weights to their proper place after use.
- Limit stretching and floor exercises to designated areas.
- Loitering is prohibited.
- Outside personal training and/or instruction is not allowed (only personal training and instruction provided by the Campus Recreation staff is permitted).
- No body contact sparring of any sort is allowed in the facility.
- Immediately report any weight room related injury or facility/equipment irregularity to staff on duty.
- Time is limited to 30 minutes on all cardiovascular equipment when someone is waiting.
- Facility and equipment is on a first-come, first-served basis. Please be courteous to others.
- The use of the “emergency off” clip is mandatory when using treadmills.
- Cell phone usage (talking, texting, taking photos) is prohibited on equipment and in the locker rooms.
- Contact a staff member if any extra assistance is needed.
- Excessive public displays of affection are prohibited.
- Campus Recreation discourages use of smelling salts/ammonia caps.
- All structured activities and programs must be offered through the Department of Campus Recreation.
- Failure to comply with the above policies may result in temporary or permanent suspension from the Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center.
Olympic Weight Lifting Area
- Weights must be racked when not in use. Do not leave weights, plates and bars on the floor/platforms or leaned against walls/other equipment.
- Olympic lifting equipment is available on a first come first served basis. Please be mindful when other patrons are waiting.
- Only one patron permitted on a platform at a time.
- Slamming down weights is strictly prohibited. Weights must be controlled and proper bar lowering procedures must be followed.
- Clips/locks must be used with all Olympic weight lifting equipment.
- Olympic weight lifting equipment must remain in the designated Olympic lifting area.
- No other types of lifting are permitted in the Olympic lifting area.
- Use extreme caution when lifting weights to avoid potential injury to yourself/others. Olympic lifts are allowed only if the weight can be managed and controlled.
- Loose, block, climbing and/or gymnastics style chalk is prohibited.
- Patrons must remain at least five feet away from Olympic lifting platforms if not actively Olympic lifting.
- If an injury occurs, please report it to a staff member immediately!
- All other S&C policies must be followed in conjunction with the specific Olympic weight lifting polices.
- Campus Recreation staff reserves the right to ask patrons to discontinue any lifting if it violates any of the aforementioned polices or is a safety hazard to other patrons.
- Olympic weight lifting training resources are available upon request.
Fitness Studios & SPINNING Studio
- Street clothes are prohibited in all activity spaces.
- Entrance to classes will start 10 minutes prior to the scheduled class time.
- Participants should remain outside the studio doors until everyone from the previous class has exited. Members will be instructed to enter the studios at the appropriate time. Please come early to reserve your spot.
- Entry is on a first-come, first-served basis. Participants cannot save bikes or spots for their friends.
- Maximum enrollment for Group X and instructional classes are up to the instructor, and the number for SPINNING is dictated by the number of bikes. Once the maximum number of participants has been reached, the class will be closed.
- The instructor has the authority to cancel or change a class format if fewer than three (3) participants attend.
- In order to ensure the safety of all participants, members who are 10 or more minutes late for class will not be permitted into the studio/SPINNING class.
- All participants must sign in prior to the beginning of each class at the designated area.
- Appropriate athletic shoes must be worn in all Group X and instructional classes (except Yoga or Pilates). Sandals, dress and open-toed shoes will not be permitted in the studios.
- For SPINNING classes, excessively baggy pants and long skirts will not be permitted. SPINNING shoes may be worn.
- Participants of all classes are strongly encouraged to bring a towel and water bottle to class.
- All personal items should be kept in the provided cubbies. The Department of Campus Recreation is not responsible for lost or stolen items.
- Equipment provided in a class (body bars, dumbbells, resistance bands, etc.) may not be taken out of the aerobics studio. Participants are asked to return all equipment to its proper location at the end of each class.
- Report any facility or equipment damage or abnormality to the Group X, instructional class, or SPINNING instructor.
- Only Campus Recreation staff members are permitted to use the stereos in the studios.
- A shirt must be worn at all times. Tank tops are permitted in all areas, but must cover the mid-drift and rib cage.
- No mid-drifts, sports bras, or overly revealing shorts allowed in activity spaces.
- Report any injuries immediately to the Group X, instructional class, or SPINNING instructor.
- All personal belongings must be stored in the provided cubbies or secured in a locked locker. The Department of Campus Recreation is not responsible for lost/stolen items.
- For participants’ safety, leaving Group X, instructional and SPINNING classes before the cool down period is strongly discouraged.
- The Department of Campus Recreation reserves the right to adjust the schedule, class formats and instructors when necessary. Abbreviated schedules of classes may be offered during holidays and breaks. Please refer to the web page or bulletin boards near the studios for class cancelations, schedule changes, and special events.
- Any class that consistently has attendance of fewer than (5) people may be canceled at any time without notice.
- We reserve the right to turn away anyone who we deem is not wearing appropriate attire or who compromises the safety and professionalism of the Group X areas. Exceptions may be made for religious purposes.
- For your safety and the safety of other members, please follow the instructor’s routine and keep conversation to a minimum.
- Participants must be 16 years or older to participate in any class.
- New SPINNING participants are encouraged to arrive 10 minutes prior to the beginning of class to learn proper bike set-up.
- To encourage cross-training and to promote all class types, instructors’ names will not be provided on the schedule.
- Participants should consult a physician prior to beginning a new fitness program.
- Failure to comply with the above policies may result in temporary or permanent suspension from the Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center.
Open Studio Hours
- During designated open studio hours, Campus Recreation patrons may use the Aerobics studio, functional training area and equipment for individual workouts.
- All rules and policies listed for Andrews Student Recreation & Wellness Center, fitness studio and functional training area will apply to open studio hours.
- Patrons may utilize the studio and equipment at their own risk.
- A shirt must be worn at all times. Tank tops are permitted in all areas, but must cover the mid-drift and rib cage.
- Wiping down equipment after use is mandatory.
- Street clothes are prohibited in all activity spaces.
- Equipment provided in a class (body bars, dumbbells, resistance bands, etc.) may not be taken out of the aerobics studio. Participants are asked to return all equipment to its proper location at the end of each class.
- Open studio hours and functional training equipment is not available to general patrons while a structured program is occurring in the Group X studio
- Campus Recreation staff reserves the right to stop behaviors deemed unsafe.
- All structured activities and programs must be approved and offered through the Department of Campus Recreation.
- Music will not be provided for the space. Patrons are encouraged to use personal listening devices.
- All personal belongings must be stored in the provided cubbies or secured in a locked locker. The Department of Campus Recreation is not responsible for lost/stolen items.
- Direct all concerns and maintenance issues to Campus Recreation staff.
- Failure to comply with the above policies may result in temporary or permanent suspension from the Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center.
Functional Training Space
- Closed-toe, rubber-soled athletic footwear (tennis shoes) required – no boots, flip flops, sandals, open-toe, or “Croc” type shoes are permitted.
- Athletic shorts or athletic pants are required. Clothing with metal buttons, rivets, zippers, metal studs and/or snaps is prohibited.
- A shirt must be worn at all times. Tank tops are permitted in all areas, but must cover the mid-drift and rib cage.
- No mid-drifts, sports bras, or overly revealing shorts allowed in activity spaces.
- Street clothes are prohibited on all equipment.
- Do not move equipment out of the designated functional training area.
- Return all equipment to its proper place after use.
- Chalk or grip enhancing products are not permitted.
- All personal belongings must be stored in the provided cubbies or secured in a locked locker. The Department of Campus Recreation is not responsible for lost/stolen items.
- All exercise equipment, including but not limited to plyo boxes, TRX® straps, physio balls, medicine balls, and kettlebells must be used in an appropriate fashion to avoid misuse and unsafe training.
- Wiping down equipment after use is mandatory.
- Loitering is prohibited.
- Outside personal training and/or instruction is not allowed (only personal training and instruction provided by the Campus Recreation staff is permitted).
- Equipment must not be dropped from any height or leaned against walls, pillars, equipment, and mirrors.
- Olympic lifting descents and all equipment must be controlled to the floor.
- Do not throw balls against metal framing or mirrors.
- Handstand push-ups/holds on mirrors are not permitted.
- YSU Campus Recreation Personal Trainers and Group X classes have priority of equipment and space in the functional training area.
- Facility and equipment is on a first-come, first-served basis secondary to the needs of Campus Recreation. Please be courteous to others.
- Functional training equipment is not available to general patrons while a structured program is occurring in the Group X studio.
- Music will not be provided for the space. Patrons are encouraged to use personal listening devices.
- Campus Recreation staff reserves the right to stop behaviors deemed unsafe.
- All structured activities and programs must be offered through the Department of Campus Recreation.
- Direct all concerns and maintenance issues to Campus Recreation staff.
- Failure to comply with the above policies may result in temporary or permanent suspension from the Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center.
Climbing Wall
- Climbing is inherently risky climb at your own risk. Helmets are available upon request.
- All staff members have the right to ask patrons to stop any action they deem unsafe or inappropriate. Staff has the right to ask uncooperative patrons to leave.
- There is no food or drink aside from water allowed in the climbing area.
- Topping out while bouldering is not allowed.
- Climbing above the cave while bouldering is not allowed.
- Patrons cannot clip/unclip themselves from the autobelay.
- Do not place hands / fingers / feet on lead climbing bolts.
- Do not climb / stand under other climbers.
- No climber who is bleeding can continue to climb until blood is cleaned and wound is covered.
- Climbers are not permitted to wear jewelry or have items in their pockets.
- Cubbies are available for storage of personal items at climbers own risk. Locked lockers are the safest option.
- Accidents, and broken /spinning holds must be reported to staff immediately.
- When wall is at capacity, there is a 15 minute limit per climber.
- Patrons can only belay if they obtain a belay card from certified employees. Patrons must renew their belay card once a year. Patrons can opt to test out of their belay card if certified at other gyms. All others must go through a training period.
- Headphones are not permitted top roping; wireless headphones are permitted bouldering.
- No swinging from ropes.
- No horseplay on the mats.
- No patrons in the office or behind the desk except to use hangboard.
- Patrons are not allowed to set top rope routes, but can co-set bouldering routes with a staff member.
- Patrons using their own equipment, must have it inspected and verified by staff.
- No bouldering with harnesses on.
Challenge Course
- There is risk associated with this activity, in order for us to do our best to keep you safe, you must abide by all rules including:
- Do not enter the course without being attached by an operator
- Participants under the influence of drugs or alcohol prohibited
- Stand within stanchioned area and not on the track
- No phones on the course
- Anyone under 48” tall must have a chaperone
- Must safely fit in a harness, no climbing harnesses
- No running, jumping, horseplay, or swinging from leads
- No flip flops or open toe shoes
- No items in pockets, please secure glasses
- One participant per obstacle at a time
- Follow all operator rules, operator reserves the right to ask you to leave the course
- Sling line should stay in front of you at all times
- Do not touch the overhead track or tamper with yours or other harnesses or sling lines
- You should be in good health to participate. If you suspect your health to be an issue or exacerbate a preexisting condition, please do not participate
- People who are experiencing the following, should not enter the challenge course
- Pregnancy
- Back problems
- Neck problems
- Heart problems
- Recent surgery/injury
- Fresh stitches
Meditation Studio
- Please do not leave personal belongings unattended.
- The meditation studio is not a study, sleep or social lounge.
- Mutual respect is expected in this quiet space.
- Water only is permitted in closed plastic bottles with lids (no protein shakes, sport drinks, pop, fast food containers, etc., are allowed).
- No food is permitted outside the lobby.
- Food and prohibited drinks will be confiscated and violators will face disciplinary action.
Walk/Jog Track
- Athletic shoes are required. No boots or other hard soled shoes allowed.
- The track is intended for recreational purposes only.
- Please follow the designated walk and jog lanes.
- No standing, loitering and/or spectating allowed on the track.
- Cell phone use is prohibited.
- Please secure valuables in a locked locker.
- Water only is permitted in closed plastic bottles with lids (no protein shakes, sport drinks, pop, fast food containers, etc., are allowed).
- No food is permitted in the activity areas (past the ID check turnstile).
- The walking/jogging direction on the track changes daily.
- The track is one-eighth of a mile.
Wellness Resource Center
- All computers and wellness resource materials are to be used for educational purposes.
- All materials in the wellness resource center must be checked out by wellness resource center staff.
- All equipment must be returned by the agreed upon date.
- Food, drink, excessive noise and profanity is prohibited.
- Please see a Campus Recreation staff member if assistance is needed.
- Cell phone usage is prohibited while using wellness resource center computers or fitness and nutrition assessment areas.
- Printing personal documents or schoolwork is prohibited.
- Failure to comply with any of the above policies will result in a loss of use privileges at the Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center.
Sports Forum (gym)
- Street clothes are prohibited in all activity spaces.
- Coats, street clothing, backpacks or equipment bags should be secured in a locked locker. Please do not leave personal items unattended.
- Hanging on rims, nets or court dividers is prohibited.
- Basketballs, volleyballs, and badminton equipment are available for check out at Equipment Issue.
- Only water in closed plastic bottles with lids permitted. No protein shakes, sport drinks, pop, fast food drink containers, etc., are allowed.
- No food is permitted in the activity areas (past the ID check turnstile).
Equipment Issue
- Equipment Issue is located on the lower level of the Andrews Student Recreation and Wellness Center.
- All students/members can borrow equipment at no charge with a valid YSU ID.
- All equipment must be returned by the end of the day.
- Participants will be charged a fee for damaged or missing equipment.
- All equipment must be returned by the original user.
- Lock use is highly recommended. Patrons may check-out one lock per day with a valid YSU ID.
- Students/members who improperly use, abuse, break, or abandon, take, or lose equipment will have their equipment issue privileges revoked and will incur a fine for replacement of said equipment.
Racquetball Courts
- The use of protective eye wear is highly recommended in the racquetball courts.
- All metal racquets must have protective guards and wrist straps.
- All participants must wear rubber-soled shoes and athletic attire. Street shoes and street clothes are prohibited.
- Racquets, racquetballs, protective eyewear, and wally ball equipment are available for check-out at Equipment Issue.
- All courts will be available on a first-come, first-served basis.
- If the Campus Rec staff determines that a user is improperly using this space, he/she will be asked to leave the facility.
- There are additional racquetball courts in Stambaugh Stadium.