Reciprocal Responsibilities Guidance

In April 2023, Academic Senate endorsed the Reciprocal Responsibilities for Undergraduate Students and Instructors. These guidelines were developed with representatives from Student Government Association, Senate Standards Committee, and Senate Teaching and Learning Committee. These are a baseline set of guidelines and behaviors for courses. It is expected that these are the minimum of what is happening in every course at YSU. These guidelines extend to all instructors as appropriate, including include full-time faculty, part-time faculty, graduate teaching assistants, and virtual assistants. Students and faculty commit to uphold this agreement to maintain a constructive teaching and learning environment. Students and faculty who feel these principles are not being upheld should consult their rights within the classroom environment. Students should refer to the Student Code of Conduct and the University Complaint Process. Faculty should refer to University Policies and the OEA Contract.

ITL has developed Guidance for Implementation that provides tips, ideas, and strategies for implementing the agreed-upon guidelines.

Use the links below to review specific sections addressed in the Guidance for Implementation: