Steps for transferring old surveys and data to Survey Gizmo

Transferring Surveys & Data


This document serves as a basic overview of the steps needed to transfer surveys and corresponding data from Survey Monkey to Survey Gizmo. You can access a much more detailed tutorial through this document - Import Data into Your Survey. There is no tool to directly import a Survey Monkey survey into Survey Gizmo. You will essentially be replicating the survey in Survey Gizmo. However, using the copy/paste feature and/or Word should speed up the process.

  1. Open survey in Survey Monkey
  2. Open Survey Gizmo and create new survey
  3. Simply copy (ctrl + C) and paste (ctrl + V) or manually enter each question and answer into new questions on Survey Gizmo
  4. Alternatively, you can copy and paste your Survey Monkey questions/answers into Microsoft Word and then import to Survey Gizmo. You can access a detailed tutorial on this process through this help tutorial - Create a Survey from a Word Doc.

If you are planning on importing Survey Monkey data into your transferred Survey Gizmo survey, it is ESSENTIAL that you replicate all aspects of the survey EXACTLY (question order, question type, answer options, answer order, titles, etc.).

  1. Export your survey data from Survey Monkey
    • Open survey in Survey Monkey
    • Select Analyze Results Tab
    • In left toolbar expand EXPORTS header
    • Select Export All – All responses data
    • Click Export
    • Open exported .zip file (found in left toolbar) –will initiate download to your computer
    • Open .zip folder on your computer, Open CSV folder, locate Sheet_1.csv- this is the sheet you will be importing
  2. Import your survey data into Survey Gizmo
    • Open survey you are going to import data into in Survey Gizmo
    • Select Tools > Import data from tabs
    • Choose ,comma from drop down menu
    • Click Select File and choose Sheet_1.csv to upload
    • Click Upload Data
    • Map/Match your data to the questions in the survey using the drop down menus. You can skip any column by just leaving the Survey Question dropdown unselected.
    • Click Preview and Import (make any changes necessary if preview isn’t satisfactory)
    • Click Upload Data
  3. After survey is replicated and data is imported, delete original Survey Monkey survey & data.

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