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- Sabbatical leave for department chairpersons 10-08 *
- Scheduling of Intercollegiate Athletics and University Sponsored and Recognized Student Organization Activities During Final Examination Period 6-01 *
- Search waivers for hiring of faculty, executive officers, administrative officers, and professional/administrative staff 7-55 (formerly 2-04) *
- Selection, Appointment, and Annual Evaluation of Administrative Officers 9-02 [Rescinded Dec 12, 2024]
- Selection and Evaluation of the President of the University 9-08 *
- Selection, Appointment, and Evaluation of Executive Officers 9-01 [Rescinded Dec 12, 2024]
- Selection, appointment, and evaluation of executive officers, administrative officers, and professional administrative staff 7-56 *
- Selection of design professionals for university capital projects 4-07 *
- Selection, Appointment, and Evaluation of Professional/Administrative Staff 7-42 [Rescinded Dec 12, 2024]
- Sensitive Information/Information Security 4-13 *
- Sexual Misconduct 2-03.1 [Rescinded]
- Sick Leave Accrual, Use and Conversion - Excluded Professional/Administrative and Excluded Classified Staff 7-13 *
- Smoke-free environment 4-01*
- Social Media Use on Official and Affiliated University Sites 4-09.1 *
- Staff Development Leave, Excluded Professional/Administrative Staff 7-10 [Rescinded September 5, 2019]
- Storage of Electronic Data 4-09.2 *
- Student Complaint Process 8-06 *
- Student scholarships and grants, administration, and awarding 8-10 *
- Student Travel 8-07 *
- Student Media 8-02 *
- Student organization university logo use 6-04 *
- Student Residency Status for Tuition Purposes 8-03 *
- Supplemental Pay from Externally Funded Grants, Sponsored Programs and Contracts for Faculty and Professional/Administrative Staff 7-48 *
- Supplemental pay assignments for full and part-time faculty and professional/administrative staff and secondary appointments for full-time faculty 7-46 *
- Supplementary Pay for Faculty Teaching at Distant Off-Campus Sites 10-19 [Rescinded December 16, 2015]
- Supplier Diversity 3-01.1 *
- Support and Assistance to Veterans and Service Members 8-05 *
- Surplus Property 4-02 *