Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I make a referral?

Submitting a referral gives professional staff the opportunity to offer support and appropriate resources to individuals in need of assistance. Referring an individual may also help to ensure the overall well-being and safety of our campus community.

Below are some reasons you should consider referring an individual:   

  • Food and/or housing insecurity
  • Illness and/or hospitalization
  • Drug/alcohol abuse
  • Disruptive behavior
  • Undue aggressiveness
  • Exaggerated emotional response
  • Depressed or lethargic mood
  • Hyperactivity or very rapid speech
  • Marked change in personal hygiene
  • Behavior suggesting loss of contact with reality
  • Feelings of helplessness or hopelessness
  • References to suicide, homicide or assault
  • Isolation from friends, family, or classmates
  • Marked change in academic/work performance
  • Excessive absence or tardiness
  • Giving away prized possessions
  • Making a will and final arrangements

How do I make a referral?

Access “Person of Concern Referral Form.”   Please complete the form as thoroughly as possible to help us determine urgency of the situation and next steps. If you have questions regarding the form or the process, please contact the Office of the Dean of Students at 330-941-4721 or Community Standards and Student Conduct 330-941-4704 during regular business hours. You may also email the Dean of Students directly at

IMPORTANT: Contact YSU PD (330) 941-3527 or 911 (from a campus phone) immediately for ANY emergency!

What if I am wrong about the person?

The “Penguin of Concern” form simply identifies an individual who may be in need of assistance. Referrals give staff an opportunity to explore the full picture and respond with the appropriate support. If in doubt about the situation, please keep in mind the referral process is designed to help the individual, not punish them.

Can I make an anonymous referral?

Youngstown State University will, to the extent possible, respect the wishes of reporters concerning their anonymity. However, there may be situations where the identity of the reporter will need to be disclosed or will become apparent because of the actions taken to address the situation. Please note that we may need to ask questions of the referral source in order gather additional information to best address the concerns shared. It is also possible that we may be required to release information in response to a court order, subpoena, or open records request.

What happens after I make a referral? How does the process work?

    • The CARE Team accepts referrals from students, their families, faculty, staff and community members.
    • With the exception of cases involving Title IX, the Dean of Students (or designee) serves as the point person and addresses the majority of issues/situations. Issues of a more serious nature are addressed by the YSU CARE Team, composed of personnel committed to a proactive, collaborative and planned approach to the management of threatening, disruptive, disturbing or otherwise problematic behaviors.
    • Referrals and recommendations may occur through informal or formal channels, dependent on the individual characteristics of the case and the severity of the behavior of concern. Great care is taken to ensure this is the most appropriate intervention for both the individual AND our campus community.
    • The individual (or group – in some unique situations) will be provided education as appropriate. Our CARE Team will continue to monitor the individual(s) of concern as long as deemed appropriate in order to best ensure their success and safety. Case closure is based on the level of concern and type of threat presented.