2024-2025 Academic Year
(All phone numbers begin with 330-941-xxxx)
Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences, and Education (BCLASSE)
Department of English and World Languages
Dr. Jeff Buchanan, Chairperson
Contact Information: DeBartolo Hall 206 | X3414 | jmbuchanan@ysu.edu
Ms. Sheila Maldonado, Academic Operations Specialist
Contact Information: DeBartolo Hall 224 | X3414 | samaldonado@ysu.edu
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences
Dr. Loren Lease, Chairperson
Contact Information: DeBartolo Hall 438 | X1686 | lrlease@ysu.edu
Ms. RosaMaria Vega, Academic Operations Specialist
Contact Information: DeBartolo Hall 519 | X3456 | rmvega@ysu.edu
Department of Psychological Sciences and Counseling
Dr. Jeffrey Coldren, Chairperson
Contact Information: DeBartolo Hall 321 | X1617/X3257 | jtcoldren@ysu.edu
Ms. Janette Koewacich, Academic Operations Specialist
Contact Information: DeBartolo Hall 321 | X3401/X3257 | jfkoewacich@ysu.edu
Department of Teacher Education and Leadership Studies
Dr. M. Kathleen Cripe, Chairperson
Contact Information: Beeghly Hall 2323 | X3517 | mlcripe@ysu.edu
Ms. Shelley Urchek-Geist, Academic Operations Specialist
Contact Information: Beeghly Hall 1109 | X3394 | surchek@ysu.edu
Bitonte College of Health and Human Services (BCHHS)
Centofanti School of Nursing
Dr. Sheila Blank, Director
Contact Information: Cushwa Hall 2324 | X2174 | smblank@ysu.edu
Ms. Amy Kyte, Academic Operations Specialist
Contact Information: Cushwa Hall 2332 | X7209 | ajkyte@ysu.edu
Department of Criminal Justice and Consumer Sciences
Dr. John Hazy, Chairperson
Contact Information: Cushwa Hall 2167 | X1789 | jmhazy@ysu.edu
Ms. Sherry Massaro, Academic Operations Specialist
Contact Information: Cushwa Hall 2163 | X3279 | camassaro@ysu.edu
Department of Graduate Studies in Health and Rehabilitation Sciences
Dr. Nancy Landgraff, Chairperson
Contact Information: Cushwa Hall B321 | X2703 | nlandgraff@ysu.edu
Mrs. Ashley Shilot, Academic Operations Specialist
Contact Information: Cuswha Hall B317 | X2970 | amshilot@ysu.edu
Department of Health Professions
Dr. Joan O'Connell, Chairperson
Contact Information: Cushwa Hall 1226 | X1761 | joconnell02@ysu.edu
Mrs. Bonnie Winters, Academic Operations Specialist
Contact Information: Cushwa Hall 1226 | X3327 | bjwinters@ysu.edu
Department of ROTC/Military Science
Major Joshua Woodruff, Chairperson
Contact Information: Stambaugh Stadium 1112 | X3205 | jdwoodruff@ysu.edu
Mr. Kevin Bukowski, Assistant Chairperson
Contact Information: Stambaugh Stadium 1112 | X3802 | kwbukowski@ysu.edu
Department of Social Work
Dr. Dana Davis, Chairperson
Contact Information: Cushwa Hall 3665 | X3774 | ddavis05@ysu.edu
Ms. Shari McKinney, Academic Operations Specialist
Contact Information: Cushwa Hall 3665 | X1598 | slmckinney@ysu.edu
Cliffe College of Creative Arts (CCCA)
Dana School of Music and University Theatre
Dr. Joseph Carucci, Director
Contact Information: Bliss Hall 3010 | X3636 | jwcarucci@ysu.edu
Ms. Stephanie Pavlovich, Academic Operations Specialist
Contact Information: Bliss Hall 3008 | X3635 | srpavlovich@ysu.edu
Department of Art
Ms Joy Christiansen Erb, Chairperson
Contact Information: Bliss Hall 4001A | X1397 | jchristiansenerb@ysu.edu
Ashley Johnston, Academic Operations Specialist 2
Contact Information: Bliss Hall 4001B | X3822 | aljohnston03@ysu.edu
College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM)
Department of Chemical and Biological Sciences
Dr. Timothy Wagner, Chairperson
Contact Information: Ward Beecher Hall 5054 | X3662 | trwagner@ysu.edu
Ms. Lisa DeVore, Academic Operations Specialist
Contact Information: Ward Beecher Hall 5053 | X3664 | lldevore@ysu.edu
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Dr. Thomas Wakefield, Chairperson
Contact Information: Cafaro Hall 501 | X3302 | tpwakefield@ysu.edu
Mrs. Maureen Adams, Academic Operations Specialist
Contact Information: Cafaro Hall 537 | X3045 | mdadams05@ysu.edu
Department of Physics, Astronomy, Geological and Environmental Science
Dr. Snjezana Balaz, Acting Chairperson
Contact Information: Ward Beecher Hall 1001 | X7467 | sbalaz@ysu.edu
Ms. Jill Mogg, Academic Operations Specialist
Contact Information: Ward Beecher Hall 2023 | X3616 | jmmogg@ysu.edu
Rayen School of Engineering
Dr. Frank Li, Director
Contact Information: Moser Hall 2050 | X2253 | xli@ysu.edu
Ms. Linda Adovasio, Academic Operations Specialist
Contact Information: Moser Hall 2460 | X3027 | ljadovasio@ysu.edu
School of Computer Science, Information and Engineering Technology
Dr. Abdu Arslanyilmaz, Director
Contact Information: Meshel Hall 339A/Moser Hall 4010 | X3120/X4625 | aarslanyilmaz@ysu.edu
Ms. Sherry Vitullo, Academic Operations Specialist
Contact Information: Meshel Hall 339B/Moser Hall 4120 | X3134/X3287 | slvitullo@ysu.edu
Williamson College of Business Administration (WCBA)
Department of Communication
Dr. Mary Beth Earnheardt, Chairperson
Contact Information: Bliss Hall 2002 | X2342 | mearnheardt@ysu.edu
Lariccia School of Accounting and Finance
Dr. Jeremy Schwartz, Director
Contact Information: Williamson Hall 3382 | X3076 | jtschwartz@ysu.edu
Ms. Nancy O’Hara, Academic Operations Specialist
Contact Information: Williamson Hall 3384 | X3084 | neohara@ysu.edu
Department of Management and Marketing
Dr. Bruce Keillor, Chairperson
Contact Information: Williamson Hall 3341 | X1894 | bdkeillor@ysu.edu