WCBA center for Student Services Mission Statement

The Center for Student Services in the Williamson College of Business Administration (WCBA) at Youngstown State University is committed to providing comprehensive support and guidance to students through personalized academic planning, monitoring of degree progress, implementation of effective academic success strategies, and referrals to campus resources. Our mission is to empower students to navigate their academic journey successfully, achieve their educational goals, and develop the skills and competencies necessary for personal and professional growth. Through collaborative partnerships with students, faculty, and staff, we strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment that fosters student success and enriches the educational experience within the WCBA and its wider community.

What is Academic Advising?

“Academic advising is a process which assists students in the clarification of their academic goals and in the development of educational plans for the realization of these goals. It is a decision-making process by which students realize their maximum educational potential through communication and information exchanges with an advisor; it is ongoing, multifaceted, and the responsibility of both student and advisor.” -www.nacada.ksu.edu

Who is Your Academic Advisor?

You can view your academic advisor assignment in your STUDENT PROFILE in the PENGUIN PORTAL.

Instructions for accessing your student profile can be found at https://ysu.edu/penguin-service-center/student-profile.

WCBA Academic Advising Team

Emily Koch

Emily Koch

Business Majors (AABA, BSBA)
Last Names A-E

Majors Last Names A-D

Yvonne Townsend

Yvonne Townsend

Business Majors (AABA, BSBA)
Last Names H-M

Nikeesha Austin

Nikeesha Austin

Business Majors (AABA, BSBA)
Last Names F and N-SL

Majors Last Names K-P

Susan Carfolo

Susan Carfolo

Business Majors (AABA, BSBA)
Last Names G and SM-Z

Majors Last Names O-Z

Mary Coller

Mary Coller

AAB, Business Management Majors AAB
Accounting Majors

CMST, JOUR, MCOM Majors Last Names F-J
WCBA Business Leaders & Friends

How Do I Change My Major?

  • If you are a current WCBA student wanting to change TO another WCBA Major, schedule an appointment with your assigned academic advisor in Handshake (accessed through the Penguin Portal).
  • If you are a current YSU student in a different college wanting to change your major TO a WCBA Major, please call WCBA Center for Student Services at 330.941.2376 to schedule an appointment.

Who is Required to Meet With an Advisor?

We encourage all WCBA students to meet with their Academic Advisor at least once a semester. Appointments fill up quickly, so schedule weeks before your registration appointment.

The following students have registration holds on their account that will prevent them from registering for the upcoming term until meeting with their assigned academic advisor.

  • Freshmen and Sophomores (0-59 semester hours complete)
  • Students on academic warning or probation
  • Student Athletes

Remember, you can see who your advisor is on your student profile page in the Penguin Portal.

Campus Resources

Penguin Service Center
Help with registration, financial aid and scholarship, Transcripts, Records, Billing.

Resch Academic Success Center
Tutoring, Academic Coaching, Accessibility Services, Academic Success

Math Achievement Center
Help with Math and Statistics courses.

Writing Center
Helps students become more independent, confident and successful writers.

Student Counseling Services
Provides a safe and supportive environment for students to learn and use skills to successfully manage their emotions and mental health throughout their academic experience.

Testing Center
Math and English Placement Tests, CLEP, GRE, LSAT.

IT Service Desk
First level technical support for PCs (both Windows and Mac based systems), software, printers, smart phones and tablets.