WCBA Internship: Employer Information

  • What is an Internship?
    What is an Internship?

    An internship involves a student in working in an occupation or profession that relates to their field of study. These experiences allows students to apply their classroom knowledge to real-world work experiences. Here are some fast facts about WCBA internships:

    • Most internships are for one semester (15 weeks)
    • Students will be in the junior, senior year or enrolled in the MBA program
    • Students receive three credit hours of upper level business course work for the internship
    • WCBA internships must be paid positions
    • The internship must include professional experiences related to the student's field of study
    • Students work a minimum of 225 hours throughout the semester (15-20 hours a week)
    • Interns must be supervised by a professional within their field of study
    • Reduced recruiting time and expenses
    • Extra staff to assist during a crunch period
    • Attain higher visibility in the University community
    • Assistance in completing special projects
    • Groom potential employees for your company
    • Mentor future business professionals
    • Enhance community relations
  • Learning Objectives

    Since this an educational experience it is our goal that all internships involve professional experiences that relate to the student's field of study. All WCBA Internships are required to meet the following learning objectives:

    • Apply business concepts and theories to real-world decision-making.
    • Increase proficiency in specific business disciplines; such as accounting, advertising/public relations, economics, finance, management, marketing, international business and management information systems.
    • Develop and improve business skills in communication, technology, quantitative reasoning, and teamwork.
    • Meet professional role models and potential mentors who can provide guidance, feedback, and support.
    • Expand network of professional relationships and contacts
  • Position Description

    As an employer you will need to develop a position description for each internship position you would like to hire. The internship experience serves as a link between classroom learning and practical application so the responsibilities of the intern needs to be a true career-related experience that enhances academic learning. Though most internships involve a student in some busywork (data entry, filing, answering phones, etc.) these experiences are only appropriate when balanced with meaningful professional responsibilities. The internship should involve the student in making decisions and learning about their field of study and the world of business through hands-on experiences.

    Here is what an employer will needs to include in a position description.  Hanshake will guide you through writing the description:

    All position descriptions must be approved by the appropriate program chair before a student is approved to enroll in an internship class.

    • A brief synopsis of your company and the position
    • Intern responsibilities, tasks, duties and assignments
    • Pay range
    • Applicant qualifications (ie: GPA requirement, major/s preferred, transportation, etc.)
    • Start and end dates
  • Handshake Registration

    Employers can create an post a WCBA internship postion on line through Handshake

  • Hours & Wages

    The Williamson College of Business Administration, in accordance to federal law requires that all internships be paid positions. Students are required to work a minimum of 225 hours throughout a semester (typical semester is 15 weeks). A student will average to 15-20 hours of work per week. Pay rate and distribution needs to be decided upon prior to submitting a position description. The following table lists the hourly wage ranges for internship and co-operative educational experiences for the 2013-2014 academic year.

    NOTE: WCBA interns cannot be paid using a 1099-M, and must be added to the payroll of the employer. By paying with a 1099, an employer is stating that the intern is an independent contractor - and a student intern, by nature, cannot be an independent contractor - students have to be under the direction of a supervisor and treated as an official employee of the company.

    Hours and Wages in USD
    Position Minimum Average Maximum
    Accounting 12.00 16.00 21.00
    Finance 10.00 14.00 17.00
    Human Resource Management 10.00 14.00 17.00
    International Business 10.00 14.00 17.00
    Management 10.00 14.00


    Management Information Systems 10.00 14.00 17.00
    Marketing 10.00 14.00 17.00
    Supply Chain Management 10.00 14.00 17.00
    Non-Profit 8.00 10.00 12.00


  • Handshake
    1. Log into Handshake! If you are new to WCBA internships you will need to create an account in Handshake.
    2. Once you have logged into Handshake you can create and submit your position description. If you already have a position description in the system you just need to update and submit a current version.
    3. The WCBA Office of Professional Practice will review your position description, submit it to the appropriate academic chair and when approved make the position available in Handshake for students to apply. Since students are enrolled in a course for academic credit it is important for employers to be aware of internship dates and deadlines.
    4. Employers can request a resume book through Handshake that will help with identifying potiential candiates.
    5. We have several networking opportunities for employers to participate to assist with the internship hiring process including Meet the Employers Day and Internship Interview Day.
    6. Interview your candidates at your place of employment, or here in the Williamson College of Business Administration. Contact the WCBA Office of Professional Practice at 330-941-2376 to make arrangements for on campus interviews.
    7. Make an offer. Please contact the WCBA Office of Professional Practice at 330-941-2376 once an offer is accepted so we can follow up with the student to ensure all paperwork is completed.
    8. Once a student has accepted the position they will need to complete a Learning Agreement that involves the signature of the Student, Employer and department chair.
    9. The student will receive a copy of the syllabus and enroll in the course. You may be visited by a WCBA Representative throughout the semester to help us learn more about your company and the student's experience. The student will be expected to log their hours each week and provide weekly or biweekly journals to their faculty advisor. At the end of the term the employer will need to complete a student evaluation and is welcome to attend the students' internship presentation.