What you need to know

Getting Ready for your Next Appointment?

Click the drop-downs below for more information

  • What is the after hours protocol? 

    When student counseling services is closed, whether it is 7 pm or 3 am, holidays or weekends, there is always someone to talk to. To access, call the YSU Student Counseling Services at 330-941-3737 and after the brief message, press “1” to be connected to a mental health professional.

  • Am I eligible for these services?

    Eligibility for Services

    • Currently enrolled Youngstown State University students are eligible for services offered by Student Counseling Services.
    • Students must be enrolled in a degree-seeking program at the time they seek services.
      • “Enrolled” is defined as a student who has registered for classes and remains “registered for classes” on the fourteenth day of each term. The Institute verifies enrollment status for all registered students on the fourteenth day of each term.
      • Students may be enrolled full-time (12 or more credit hours), part-time (6-11 credit hours), or less than part-time (1-5 credit hours) to be eligible for services.
      • If a student withdraws from all classes or is withdrawn from all classes, the student is deemed to no longer be enrolled and is therefore no longer eligible for services.
    • Students may be eligible for services during summer terms if they were enrolled and completed the most recent Spring Semester AND are already enrolled for the upcoming Fall semester.

    Persons Ineligible for Services

    • Faculty and staff
    • Persons enrolled in programs not affiliated with a degree (e.g., English Language Institute, Police Academy, Dual Enrollment in a high school (ex. College Credit Plus, YEC, etc.), additional affiliation with other Academic Partners not named here.
    • New students who have enrolled in the upcoming semester are not eligible for services before that semester begins.

    Exceptions to Eligibility

    On occasion, there may be exceptions to the eligibility policy. These instances may include:

    • In emergency situations, persons who do not meet the eligibility criteria may be seen for an initial crisis consultation and provided with referrals.
    • Clients who withdraw from classes may only be seen for facilitating a referral to an appropriate community provider (if needed).
    • Any other exceptions to the above policies as approved through consultation with the Director.

    Scope of Clinical Services

    The YSU Student Counseling Services Center provides free, short-term counseling for currently enrolled YSU students. We work on an appointment basis and will meet with an eligible student to evaluate, assess, provide treatment, and/or refer to other services as warranted based on the student’s clinical needs.

    The scope of care is intended to outline the appropriateness and limits of the Center’s services to students seeking counseling.

    • Current Services at the Center are free, short-term confidential counseling for currently enrolled students.
    • Appointments are Monday thru Friday 8-5pm.
    • YSU Student Counseling Services does not provide psychiatric services in-house. Psychiatric services are available at Mercy Health at Wick (Student Health) via your paid YSU Student Health fee. To access those services, go through your primary care provider at Mercy Health at Wick (Student Health).
    • We do not provide substance abuse counseling.
    • We do not provide psychological testing (i.e. cognitive, personality, learning disabilities, attention deficit, etc.)
    • We do not provide evaluations or documentation for Emotional Support Animals (ESA), Therapy Animals nor Service Animals.
    • We do not provide services for Clients who are court mandated for mental health treatment or Clients who are involved in legal actions that may require forensic and/or psychological testimony.
    • We do not duplicate services. If you are already receiving services from an individual provider and/or through a comprehensive treatment center, it may be best to continue that relationship. For students with established care providers out of town, you may wish to discuss our scope of care with your providers in order to best plan for your mental health needs during your time here at YSU. Will would be happy to consult with you about your needs and our ability to meet them.
    • If a client does not arrive for an appointment on time or fails to cancel at least 24 hours in advance, they will be rescheduled to the next availability.
      • We respect client and clinician's time, a “no show” deprives others of the opportunity to see a therapist and results in the loss of a therapist’s productive time.
    • Following assessment, referrals will be made to appropriate campus or community resource.
  • What are my rights as a client?

    Client Rights

    As a client of YSU Student Counseling Services, you have several rights, benefits, and privileges. Specifically, you have the right to:

    • Be treated with consideration and respect.
    • Be informed of, and asked questions about your diagnosis, proposed or current services, treatment interventions, and of the alternatives.
    • Consent to refuse any service, treatment, or therapy.
    • Review the education and experience of staff members.
    • Request a particular counselor.
    • Terminate counseling services at any time.
    • Have your conversations treated confidentially and be informed of the limitations of that confidentiality.
    • Participate in your treatment planning and progress toward your counseling goals.

    Client Responsibilities:

    You have the responsibility to:

    • Arrive on time and keep scheduled appointments.
    • Call the office and cancel at least 24 hours in advance if you are not able to keep your appointment.
    • Be open and honest in your communication with your counselor.
    • Treat other students and employees with respect and courtesy.
    • Actively participate in counseling.

    Attendance Expectation:

    The effectiveness of treatment is directly related to your commitment to the counseling process. Therefore, it is expected that you attend scheduled appointments. If you are later than 15 minutes, based on the counselor’s schedule, the appointment may be rescheduled. If you cannot make your appointment, we ask you to change or cancel your appointment at least 24 hours ahead of the scheduled time by calling 330-941-3737 or emailing your counselor. This allows us the opportunity to offer the appointment time to another client in need. If you “no show” twice in a row, or you cancel/ reschedule more than 3 times in a row, you are not guaranteed immediate rescheduling or prime counseling times.

    Termination Agreement:

    Clients who have not had a session in over 30 days will be considered inactive. It is always preferable to have a final session before ending therapy to review and evaluate the sessions and overall progress. After 30 days, anyone wishing to return to active therapy can do so by contacting YSU Student Counseling Services to resume the therapeutic relationship. Clients have the right to refuse or end counseling services at any time.

  • What kind of experience should I expect?

    Student’s First Appointment at the Student Counseling Center

    Student Counseling Service begins with a 60 minute intake appointment with a staff clinician. The clinician will assess the nature and urgency of the student’s concern so that we can help to make the most appropriate next step to assist the student.

    When a student contacts our office they will be scheduled for a 60 minute face to face intake appointment. This is a specific time reserved for the student. It is important that the student complete our initial forms before their scheduled appointment time. The student should arrive on time for their appointment to maximize their time with the clinician. The student must be finished with their paperwork before their appointment. If they are not, their face to face time with the clinician will be reduced. During their appointment the student will be asked a number of questions and have the opportunity to discuss their personal situation and ask any questions.

    At the end of the session, appropriate options will be reviewed with the student. These could include an appointment for an individual therapy session or a referral to other resources on campus or the community that can address the student’s concerns.

    Crisis and urgent appointments are available when needed. SCC is a short term counseling center. If students need or are interested in a longer term therapy relationship, we can advise them of other resources/services in the community.

    State licensed professionals in the YSU Student Counseling Services department offer a variety of free and confidential services to enrolled students. These services include consultations, diagnostic intake assessment, individual counseling, group services, workshops, and referrals. 

  • What kind of counseling models are used?
    • The counselor and the client both being active in the counseling process.
    • Attention placed on presenting concerns. 
    • Identified problems being addressed by forming attainable goals and objectives.

    A counseling session is normally 45 to 60 minutes in length; and is scheduled based on the client’s need and progress.  Every attempt will be made to conduct a session for client’s who arrive up to 15 minutes late to their appointment. Although, their session will be shorter in length. In some cases, if not enough time is available, the session may be rescheduled. 

  • What if I'm late?

    The effectiveness of treatment is directly related to your commitment to the counseling process. Therefore, it is expected that you attend scheduled appointments. If you are later than 15 minutes, based on the counselor’s schedule, the appointment may be rescheduled. If you cannot make your appointment, we ask you to change or cancel your appointment at least 24 hours ahead of the scheduled time by calling 330-941-3737 or emailing your counselor. This allows us the opportunity to offer the appointment time to another client in need. If you “no show” twice in a row, or you cancel/ reschedule more than 3 times in a row, you are not guaranteed immediate rescheduling or prime counseling times.


    Termination Agreement:

    Clients who have not had a session in over 30 days will be considered inactive. It is always preferable to have a final session before ending therapy to review and evaluate the sessions and overall progress. After 30 days, anyone wishing to return to active therapy can do so by contacting YSU Student Counseling Services to resume the therapeutic relationship. Clients have the right to refuse or end counseling services at any time.

  • How will I be assessed?

    To determine how to best help a student, the first step in the counseling process, after the initial contact, is to set a  Diagnostic Intake Assessment (DIA) appointment. During the DIA appointment, information is gathered, problems are identified, a diagnosis is given, and counseling goals are formed.

  • What types of services are offered?
    • Consultation: A consultation is an informal meeting with a therapist. The therapist acts as a mentor, providing guidance, insight, skills, and linkage to ongoing services. Consultations are not counseling sessions. Therapists can offer up to four consultation sessions to a student, per semester, before recommending counseling sessions.
    • Counseling Sessions: Students seeking formal counseling and a mental health diagnosis for issues big or small, will schedule a counseling appointment with a therapist. The therapist will conduct a Diagnostic Intake Assessment during the first meeting. At this time the counselor will gather information from the student to determine a diagnosis. After the assessment, the student will work with the counselor to form a treatment plan, setting goals the student wants to work toward during the semester. 
    • Workshops: Workshops are non-clinical events that focus on teaching students’ emotional management skills. 
    • Complementary Services: Light Therapy, Nap Pods Sessions, Salt Cabin Sessions, and Sensory Room are all available complementary services used outside or adjacent to counseling sessions. Student using this complementary service will be asked to sign a Hold Harmless/Release Agreement for Activity at YSU before using these services. 

    Note: Consultation and Supervision

    At times there is a need for therapists to consult with other professionals or receive supervision as needed to evaluate their efficacy as a counselor and/or social worker. University counselors and/or counseling/social work interns may discuss individual cases to ensure ethical practice and protect client welfare. At times, the entire clinical staff may be included in confidential group consultation on a client’s case. Details of cases will be discussed with supervisors in a confidential manner and all information discussed will remain confidential.

  • How are electronic communications handled?

    Clients should be aware that confidentiality of electronic mail (e-mail) transmission or text messaging reminders cannot be guaranteed. For this reason, Student Counseling Services discourages the sharing of compromising personal or clinical information through this medium. In addition, clients should be aware that Student Counseling Services staff may not always have immediate access to, nor monitor, their email communication daily or outside of normal business hours (8am to 5pm, M-F).


    Electronic Service Delivery (Tele-health):

    Electronic service delivery (Tele-Health) is defined by ORC 4757-3-01 (GG) as psychotherapy in any form offered or rendered primarily by electronic or technology-assisted approaches, except telephonic, when the therapist and the client are not located in the same place during delivery of services.

    Electronic Service Delivery (Tele-Health) will be conducted in accordance with ORC 4757-5-13 standards of practice and professional conduct.

    • All electronic contact with the client/student will take place using the secure and encrypted platform.
    • Tele-Health shall require an initial face-to-face meeting, which may be conducted face-to-face or electronically, to verify the identity of the electronic service delivery client.
    • At that meeting steps shall be taken to address impostor concerns. Specifically, the student Y number will be used to identify the client.
    • Informed consent forms will be sent to the student using a secured electronic web-component. These consent forms shall include information defining electronic service delivery as practiced by the department, and the potential risks and ethical considerations.

    Counselors shall not provide services without a client/student’s signed informed consent.

    Links for licensure verification for all YSU therapists practicing in the counseling department can be found on the YSU Counseling Services website to facilitate consumer protection. https://elicense.ohio.gov/oh_verifylicense

    YSU Student Counseling Services Website contains contact information for identifying appropriately trained professionals who can provide local assistance, including crisis intervention, if needed.

    Confidentiality in electronic service delivery shall be maintained by the licensee: (1) Licensees shall use an encryption method for electronic service delivery, except for treatment reminders, scheduling contacts or other information provided outside of a therapeutic context, and (2) shall inform electronic service delivery clients details of data record storage in the electronic record keeping system. Only YSU emails will be used for electronic mail communication.

    Students are informed of the limitations and risks associated with such services in the consent and release forms.

  • Since this counseling is offered through YSU, will my student data be used for research?

    College Mental Health Research & Safety

    The YSU Student Counseling Services Department may participate in data collection or research designed to improve our services and expand the knowledge about college student mental health. Participation will only involve contributing anonymous, numeric data provided by those who use our services. Data will be stripped of all personally identifying information and then combined with anonymous, numeric data for statistical analysis. Because data cannot be linked to specific individuals, there is virtually no risk to the client by contributing data. With your permission, we

    would like to contribute anonymous, numeric data from the questionnaires and demographic information you provide. Your decision is voluntary and will not affect the services you receive. If you do not want your non identifiable information shared, or if you have questions or concerns, you may contact the Director of YSU Student Counseling Services at (330) 941-2727.

    Youngstown State University is committed to the safety and well-being of all campus community members. To maintain your safety, and the safety of others, YSU has formed a Campus Assessment, Response, and Evaluation Team (CARE). This collaborative team coordinates and develops support planning to promote student health, well-being, and a successful academic experience.

    If you are involved in a safety concern that requires a referral to, or intervention by the CARE Team, please note that a representative from Student Counseling Services sits on the CARE Team. As a result, this representative will be part of forming an intervention or safety plan that will help to keep you or someone else safe.


    Record Storage:

    Counseling records and individual documents are maintained in an electronic record keeping system called Titanium©. This system is password protected, and only accessible by YSU counseling staff. In accordance with state licensing guidelines, client records will be kept for seven (7) years after the date of the client’s last contact with our office. Requests for any information from client records must be made in writing by the client. Clients must allow ten (10) business days for fulfillment of the request. Records are faxed to the indicated provider. Note that records subject to release include diagnostic assessment, treatment plan, summary of services, and termination/referral documentation. Testing information will only be released to another clinical individual such as a doctor or licensed mental health professional.

  • Does Student Counseling Services use social media? 

    YSU Student Counseling Services manages social media pages on Facebook, Twitter, YSU App, and Instagram. Designated staff members serve as administrators for these accounts and post relevant content. YSU Student Counseling Services will not use social media to gather information about any enrolled student. YSU Student Counseling Services will not accept requests for services through social media. Please contact us to set an appointment by calling 330-941-3737 or email Studentcounseling@ysu.edu

    Staff members with personal social media accounts will utilize the highest security level to prevent clients from accessing personal information or sending messages. It is our policy that staff members do not interact with, accept friend, or contact requests from, or follow current or former clients on any social networking sites or blogs. This policy exists to maintain clear boundaries in the therapeutic relationship and to protect everyone’s right to privacy. Additionally, these platforms do not provide a secure environment, and public interactions could compromise your confidentiality. Friend requests from former student clients will not be accepted and will be managed carefully to avoid any potential perception of exploitation or conflicting relationships.

    Social Media Policy

    The Ohio Counselor, Social Worker, Marriage & Family Therapist Board, and the American Psychological Association (APA) caution that public social networks are not private. Even if access is restricted to invited or approved members, privacy cannot be expected. Participation in such forums implies that anything posted may be seen, read, and commented on by others. Therefore, individuals will be held responsible for posts, comments, links, uploads, and other activities on YSU Student Counseling Services social media platforms.

    In line with the Ohio CSWMFT Board, and national APA guidelines, YSU Student Counseling Services staff who use social media and other electronic communication are mindful of how their communication might be perceived by clients, colleagues, university staff and faculty, and the broader professional community. To minimize any potential issues, staff will carefully consider all security settings, typically setting them to "private." Staff will not communicate with current or past students on social media.