College Credit Plus allows you to earn college credit before graduating high school at no cost (under Option B). Many school districts can offer YSU courses right in the high school building so you can take the classes as part of your regular school day. You can also come to campus and take classes online.
The credit pathways shown below are examples of courses that count towards degrees at YSU and may transfer to other University System of Ohio colleges and universities. You can view the curriculum requirements for our academic programs here. Our advisors are ready to help you choose the best path for your future degree.
Communications, Journalism, Multimedia Pathway
Health and Human Services Pathway
Transferring to another Ohio public college or university? Consider these course options.
Pathways that are exactly 15 or 30-credit hours may be achieved by selecting various courses. Courses may be takes over a longer period of time and sometimes be in different sequences. YSU advisors and your high school guidance counselor can help you explore your options.