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This video is a walkthrough of the strategies, technology, and resources found on this outcome webpage. It was recorded during the summer Resource Toolkit Workshop Series (July 2020). You can access the video using your YSU credentials. Please contact atkaufman@ysu.edu if you are unable to access the video.

Strubbe & McKagan (PhysPort, 2020) share strategies for moving labs online. This article is written through the lens of Physics, but the principles can be applied across disciplines.

Labs typically comprise a variety of components. Some components, like those listed below, can be moved online in a similar way to moving a lecture-based course online.  

  • Pre-lab and/or post-lab assignment - Can be shared and submitted via Blackboard; Can utilize Blackboard Collaborate Breakout Groups to facilitate group work
  • Come up with questions to investigate - Can be submitted via a Blackboard assignment or discussion board if you want collaboration; May also consider a live discussion via Webex of questions

  • Interpret data / create models / reflect on results - Can be submitted via a Blackboard assignment or discussion board if you want collaboration; May also consider a live discussion via Webex of questions

  • Write a lab report - Can be shared and submitted via Blackboard; Can utilize Blackboard Collaborate Breakout Groups to facilitate group work

  • Create a class presentation - Visit: I want my students to give an online presentation.

  • Give each other feedback on any of the above - Visit: I want my students to give an online presentation.

Other components require more redesign to transition to hybrid or online modalities. Suggestions for several components are listed below, all from the PhysPort article. Replicate the collaborative aspects of labs through Blackboard discussion boards (PDF Tutorial; Video Tutorial; Web Tutorial), Blackboard group discussion boards (Web Tutorial), or Blackboard Collaborate breakout groups (Web Tutorial).