- Graduation
The application process for graduation is online, directions can be found in the link above. The fee for applying for graduation in this time frame is sixty-five dollars ($65). Once this deadline has passed, potential graduates will incur a late fee of thirty-eight dollars and fifty cents ($38.50) to file for graduation. Be sure to pick up your cap and gown at the announced dates and times.
Application for Graduation Instructions Commencement Information
Apply here for the graduation.
Questions about filing for graduation?
If you have any questions about the procedure for filing for graduation or if you have missed the initial deadline, please call the Record's Office (Jones Hall) at 330-941-3182. - Graduate Student Forms
GA Evaluation Form
Form to be used to evaluate a Graduate Assistant’s performance at the end of each term.
Petition for Late Withdrawal Form*
Form to request a withdrawal from a course with a grade of F assigned due to circumstances beyond the student’s control. Not applicable if the student completed the course.
Transient Status Form*
Request for Transient status. Required before taking a course at
another institution.
Transfer Credit Form*
Request for Transfer of Graduate Credit.
Undergraduate to take Graduate Course Form*
Application by undergraduate to enroll in a graduate (5800 or higher level) course
Dual Enrollment Form (for approved programs only) - Thesis & Dissertations
- Travel
Travel funds are available through the Office of Research Services. Usually funds are on a first-come, first-served basis to support degree-seeking students who are either presenting papers at regional/national conferences or who are members of panels at such meetings. Student Travel forms* are available through the Office of Research Services. Please contact research@ysu.edu with any questions.
- Grievance Procedure
The Student Academic Grievance Procedure provides students with a formal channel through which complaints concerning academic matters may be heard. A student must attempt to resolve the complaint by first discussing the issue with the faculty member. If the complaint is not resolved at that level, the student should direct his or her complaint to the department chair and, if the complaint is still not resolved, then to the dean of the college.
Complaints not resolved following a discussion with the dean will be considered by an associate provost or designee, who will serve as Judicial Chair. Upon his or her review, the Judicial Chair determines whether the complaint is grievable. If the complaint is grievable, it is presented to the Student Academic Grievance Subcommittee. Per the YSU-OEA Agreement, Article 20, academic matters that may be grieved are the following:
- Material deviation from the grading scale or weight distribution indicated on the course syllabus by the faculty member, to the detriment of the individual student or the entire class.
- Material deviation of faculty contractual obligations as specified in the article on Teaching Rights and Responsibilities in the Faculty Collective Bargaining Agreement, to the detriment of the individual student or the entire class.
Other areas of contention between a student and a faculty member may not be grieved under this section. The student should contact the department chair of the faculty member's department or the dean of the college housing the faculty member's department for further advisement in these situations.
Students wishing to file a grievance should contact the administrative assistant in the Office of Academic Affairs for an appropriate referral. Click on A Brief Guide to Student Academic Grievances for further information on this process.
A digital copy of the Student Academic Grievance Form is available for download or you can use the electronic submission form. An electronic copy of the Student Academic Grievance Procedure is also available. A student checklist and hearing advisor guidelines are also available.
- Student Complaints
For information regarding student complaints, see the student complaint section of the catalog.
- Graduate Research & Creative Showcase
Youngstown State University
Graduate Studies
Graduate Research & Creative Showcase
Tuesday, March 18, 2025 – 5:00 PM Youngstown Historical Center of Industry & Labor- Steel Museum 151 West Wood Street
Every day on the campus of Youngstown State University, students and faculty are engaged in scholarly activity. The Graduate Research & Creative Showcase is an annual event to highlight presenters who will discuss their scholarly activity and the role it has played in their university experience.
The Graduate Research & Creative Showcase event is open to any graduate student completing research, special projects, performances, or other creative work at YSU.
- Three Minute Thesis
Full information on the Three Minute Thesis webpage.