Diversity of Scholarship 2021
Dr. Alina Lazar introduction of Burak Cetin
Burak Cetin, Federated Wireless Network Intrusion Detection
Dr. Weiqing Ge introduction of Ryan Morton and Jacob Rasey
Ryan Morton and Jacob Rasey, Improving Doctor of Physical Therapy Programs in Addressing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, and Queer Health in the United States
Dr. David Morgan introduction of Anthony Taddeo
Anthony Taddeo "Alla Boara" Re-discovering the Diversity of Italy’s Folk Music through Modern Jazz Composition
Dr. Gary Walker introduction of Mykaela Wagner
Mykaela Wagner The Right Stuff: How Changing Culture Conditions Affects Muscle Stem Cells
Dr. Weiqing Ge introduction of Dema Esper
Dema Esper, Screening for Food Insecurity Among College Students; Before and During a Pandemic
Dr. C. Virgil Solomon introduction of Christopher Y. Bansah
Christopher Y. Bansah, Innovative Approach of Producing Sputtering Targets through Binder Jet Additive Manufacturing
Dr. Michael Butcher introduction of Michael Deak
Michael Deak, Fuzz Today, Gone Tomorrow?: New Insight into the Life Appearance of the Tyrant Dinosaurs
Dr. Richard VanVoorhis introduction of Kayla Johnston
Kayla Johnston, Gaining Perspective Through International Collaboration
Dr. Clovis Linkous introduction of James Malika
James Malika, Electroless Deposition of CdTe on Stainless Steel 304 Substrates

Sai Sree Puppala, Using Soil and Water Assessment Tool for Scenario Analysis for Sediment and Nutrient Load Reduction in Atwood and Tappan Lake Watershed
Dr. Charles Vergon introduction of Lilian Tetteh
Lilian Tetteh, School Exclusionary Practices in Ohio: Trends and Impacts on African American Females