Case Managers work with the Dean of Students and key offices to provide comprehensive support to students experiencing challenges that may negatively impact their ability to succeed. The goal of Case Management is to identify and intervene as early as possible to resolve situations in a way that prioritizes the safety of the student and others in the community, respects student agency, encourages resilience, facilitates personal development, and restores health and well-being. All cases are reviewed by the YSU CARE Team on an ongoing basis. 

How do I reach out if I need to speak to a Case Manager?

Why would a case manager reach out to a student?

Case Managers reach out to schedule meetings and have informal conversations with students to determine the best ways to offer support and campus/community resources. With respect for students' privacy, information is only shared as necessary in order to provide appropriate referrals and assistance.

When should something be referred to a Case Manager?

The best practice is always to communicate concerning information and allow the Office of the Dean of Students to determine the next steps.