Undergraduate Readmission Application

Use this undergraduate readmission request form only if you meet all of the following criteria:

  • You have not attended Youngstown State University for three consecutive semesters.
  • You are not re-enrolling in an accelerated online program. Students re-enrolling in an accelerated online program should contact Undergraduate Admissions.
  • You have not attended another college or university since last attending YSU. If you have attended another college or university since last attending YSU please complete a former transfer application on the Undergraduate Admissions website.

Deadline to submit a readmission application through Records is 4:00pm EST the Friday before the start of the full term. Students seeking readmission who were also dismissed from the University for academic suspension must adhere to both the petition for reinstatement deadline and the readmission deadline.

Personal Information
Permanent Address
Please Read and Sign Below
Application cannot be processed without your signature. I certify that to the best of my knowledge the information given in this application is true. I further certify that I have not attended accredited colleges or universities since last attending YSU. I understand that any omission or misrepresentation of facts will be cause for refusal of readmission, cancellation of application, or dismissal from the University if later discovered. I also agree to provide any credentials requested by the Records Office and once the credentials are received they become the property of the University.
The electronic signature consists simply of your name, typed by you on your keyboard. The signature is your confirmation that is your own work and the information is factually true. Once you type in your name, this will count as your electronic signature.
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