Tuition and Fee Payment

Tuition & Fee Payment

How can I pay my tuition & fees?

PAY ON THE WEB:  My Student Portal
      By Electronic check (no service fee charged)
      By credit card - (a 2.95% convenience fee assessed by the processor on all domestric credit card transactions & 4.25% on all international credit card transactions (minimum $3.00 on both)).

PAY BY MAIL AT: Youngstown State University, Attention University Bursar, 1 Tressel Way, Youngstown OH 44555
Mail checks only (no credit card OR cash payments by mail)

Deposit checks OR Money Orders only (no cash or credit card payments). Please write your YSU Student ID Number on all checks.

Check, money orders, and bank drafts are accepted at the counter. Cash, credit and debit cards are not accepted for tuition and housing payments at the Cashier Window. Hours of operation are 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Monday - Friday

Checks drawn on a home equity line of credit, or issued by a credit card company cannot be processed online.


Can I write a personal check?

Yes, you can – provided that you do not have a prior history of bad checks. By making payment with a personal check, you are authorizing conversion of that check to an electronic Automated Clearing House (ACH) transaction. Be advised that any refund due on an account paid by personal check may be delayed until the check has cleared the bank.


Can I call in with my credit card number?

No, you cannot. In order to protect YSU students from identity theft opportunities, and to guard against credit card fraud, credit card payment information will not be accepted via the telephone.


Where can I pay my tuition & fees?

Payments are accepted online via the Penguin Portal. You can pay online with a credit card (MasterCard, Discover, Visa or American Express) or electronic check – provided the check is not from a home equity line of credit or a credit card check.  A payment drop box is located outside the Cashiers’ Windows in Meshel Hall.


What happens if my check is returned for nonpayment?

Any check – paper or e-check – that is returned by the bank for nonpayment is subject to a penalty fee. In addition, if this return results in late payment of tuition charges, a late payment fee will also be assessed. Failure to make payment of the returned check within 6 days, and/or a second such incident, will result in the University no longer accepting this type of payment at any of its collection points (including the YSU Bookstore), and may subject the student to financial suspension for the term.


Can I order a transcript, or register for an upcoming term, with an outstanding balance from a prior term?

University policy requires all unpaid student account balances to be paid in full before re-enrollment and/or transcript services are provided. Accounts that are substantially delinquent may have been assigned to the Ohio Attorney General’s Office for collection. This assignment may result in additional interest and penalty fees being assessed. This policy regarding payment of all past due balances will be strictly enforced.


What charges are paid with my Student Loan?

Student loan (Direct and/or PLUS) money must first be used to pay for your tuition, fees and room and board. If any loan funds remain (excess loan money) you’ll receive that amount by check (or direct deposit if you’ve set up direct deposit account information). Except for 1st time Freshman, refunds of loan money will be issued no sooner than 10 days prior to the beginning of the semester by direct deposit (for loans received by that time), or by the 14 th day of the semester or after the loan funds are received—whichever is later.


First-Time Freshman 30-Day Delay of Disbursements (Change Effective Spring Semester 2015):

All first-time freshman student loan borrowers are subject to a mandatory 30-day delay in receiving their first student loan disbursement. First-time freshman borrowers will receive their first loan disbursement 30 days from the first day of the semester.