Greek Campus Life, Interfraternity Council and Panhellenic Council Awards:
The annual awards program is designed to recognize outstanding chapters and individuals of the Youngstown State University Greek community and their growth over the previous year. Judging of the awards will focus on a few major areas including: how the chapter grew, membership development, building bonds of brotherhood/sisterhood, how your actions/events are connected to your chapter’s creed/mission/values, the actual events, statistics, proper grammar/spelling, and clarity.
All applications must be completed and submitted no later than Friday, February 28, 2025 at 11:59 p.m.
These scholarships are given out in honor of the past Greek Advisor, Mr. Greg Gulas and current Greek Advisor, Ms. Carrie Anderson. It recognizes outstanding Greek undergraduate students for their contribution to and leadership in their chapter, council and campus activities. Each year one sorority and one fraternity chapter member will be awarded $600.00 for Fall tuition and fees.
Greek Leadership Scholarship Information and Application
Alpha Omega Award: recognizes a Greek chapter on campus for outstanding programming from when members first join all the way through graduation within its chapter, the Greek community, and campus community during the past year. The areas of programming that will be considered include, but are not limited to: social, membership education, leadership, personal development, alcohol/drug awareness, other student health issues, and membership recognition. Consideration will be given to chapters who demonstrate additional and intentional programming, educational and developmental efforts.
Alpha Omega Award Application
Kessler Award "Do Whatever it Takes": recognizes a Greek chapter on campus that has organized outstanding philanthropic service event(s) for the community over the past year. For this award the judges will review the monetary and service contributions to any and all charitable organizations, the preparation for the events, and the chapter’s demonstrated and explained philosophy (creed/mission/values) on service will be considered for this award.
Kessler Award Application
Greek Lifetime Achievement Award: is given annually to a fraternity or sorority member that has shown leadership throughout his or her Greek Life experience. The criteria for this award is being a leader in your chapter and then writing a short essay about being a Greek Leader. Answer the following questions with the intent that the judges will consider the growth, connection to chapter values, accomplishments, and personal and professional development over the past year.
Greek Lifetime Achievement Award Application
This Application requires one to three references. Please email the following link to your references.
Reference Form
Gregory M. Gulas Advisor Award: recognizes an advisor that goes “above and beyond” the description and requirement of their volunteer position.
Advisor Award Application
William "Bill" Mays, Jr. IFC Service Award: The award is named after YSU Police Officer Bill Mays in recognition of his exceptional service to the Interfraternity Council, YSU Campus, and Community. This award is intended to recognize a premier man within the Greek community for his service to the Interfraternity Council and community. This award will be judged based on the contributions made to both the Interfraternity Council and their respective chapter throughout the past year, the personal and professional growth displayed through the individual’s experiences, and how your contributions reflect your chapter’s philosophy and values.
Interfraternity Service Award Application
Man of the Year: recognizes the premiere male leader within the Greek community at Youngstown State University. Demonstrated academic and peer leadership, within the Greek, campus, and surrounding communities will be considered. Applicants are required to have served on IFC as a delegate, officer or as a committee member and served as an officer in his respective chapter. Answer the following questions with the intent that the judges will consider the growth, connection to chapter values, accomplishments, and personal and professional development over the past year.
Man of the Year Award Application
This Application requires one to three references. Please email the following link to your references.
Reference Form
Delegate of the Year: recognizes an IFC delegate for his contributions to the IFC community and his individual chapter. The applicant must have served on IFC as a delegate, officer or as a committee member and held an office in his respective chapter.
Interfraternity Delegate of the Year Award Application
Outstanding New Member of the Year: This award recognizes a new member of a fraternity (within their first year of membership per calendar year) for their contribution to their chapter, the Greek Community, the University, and their potential for further leadership.
IFC Outstanding New Member of the Year Application
Delegate Award: This award is given to the Panhellenic delegate who has done an exceptional job and deserves to be recognized. Delegates must fill out an award application to be eligible.
Panhellenic Delegate Award Application
Service Award: This award recognizes an individual who displays the highest level of involvement in the Panhellenic Community. It is intended to recognize a premier woman within the Greek community for her service to chapter and community. Applicants will be judged based on the contributions made throughout the past year, the personal and professional growth displayed through the individual’s experiences, and how their contributions reflect their chapter’s philosophy and values.
Panhellenic Service Award Application
Sorority Woman of the Year: This award recognizes the premiere female leader within the Greek community at Youngstown State University. Demonstrated academic and peer leadership, within the Greek, campus, and surrounding communities will be considered. Applicants will be evaluated on individual growth, connection to chapter values, accomplishments, and personal and professional development over the past year. In addition to the application, two recommendations must be provided.
Sorority Woman of the Year Award Application
This Application requires one to three references. Please email the following link to your references.
Reference Form
Outstanding New Member of the Year: This award recognizes a new member of a sorority (within their first year of membership per calendar year) for their contribution to their chapter, the Greek Community, the University, and their potential for further leadership.
Panhellenic Outstanding New Member of the Year Application