Emergency Response


For ALL Emergencies -- Environmental, Safety, Security or Medical: Call YSU Police.

The YSU Police are available 24 hours/day, 7 days/week and all holidays.

Emergency Phone Number 330-941-3527

From a campus phone, dial 3527 or 911.
Mobile phones MUST dial 330-941-3527

*if you dial 911 from a cell phone, your call will first be routed to Youngstown City Police and not YSU Police.

Building Evacuation

  • Threat Inside building
  • Occupants expected to leave building immediately
  • Activating a fire alarm is a quick way to initiate building evacuation even if it’s not a fire
  • Stop classes, work, or business operations
  • Make your work area safe for the responders; close chemical containers, shut down equipment
  • Take only essential personal items such as car keys and handbags
  • Close all doors behind you if you are the last one out of the room
  • Walk to the nearest exit – do not use elevators
  • Go to the building pre‐designated assembly area for accountability and further instructions
  • Keep listening and check cell phone for Penguin Alert message updates
  • Do not leave the assembly area unless instructed to do so by your department chair or onsite safety officer or accountability police officer

Lock Down Procedures

  • Security Threat Outside building
  • Building is locked from the outside to prevent entrance
  • Occupants stay inside building
  • If you're outside remove yourself from campus as quickly as possible, avoid using vehicles
  • If in a room where the door doesn’t lock, then barricade it closed (bathrooms)
  • Staff ‐ remain in office and LOCK door
  • Faculty ‐ assist getting students to a room that locks, classroom doors automatically lock when closed
  • Keep listening and check cell phone for Penguin Alert message updates

Medical Emergency

  • Any injury or illness requiring assistance
  • Call YSU Police Department at 330‐941‐3527
  • If an ambulance is needed tell the dispatcher at the beginning of the conversation
  • Do not hang up until told to do so by dispatcher
  • Do NOT move the person
  • Administer first aid and CPR if trained to do so
  • Assure the person that help is on the way
  • Remain on the scene until Police arrive to give any further information they may require

Preplanning for Individuals with Disabilities

  • At the first 2 classes announce that individuals that may need help in an emergency should privately talk to the instructor
  • Ask for at least 3 student volunteers to assist any disabled individuals
  • If the classroom is in an area that makes removal of the individual extremely difficult, the instructor should ask for a room change to a ground floor location
  • Room changes must be made with assistance from the Registrars Office
  • If a room change is not possible and the individual cannot use the stairs, then the instructor should help move the person to the nearest designated refuge area
  • Notify the accountability officer at the building's assembly location for an evacuation or call YSU Police dispatch for a shelter in place

Shelter in Place Procedures

  • Environmental Threat Outside building
  • If outside proceed to the nearest building
  • Take refuge in a designated area of safety within a building
  • Basement or lower levels, interior rooms without windows
  • Stop classes, work, or business operations
  • Make your work area safe for the responders - close chemical containers, shut down equipment
  • Close all windows, exterior doors and any other openings to the outside
  • Take only essential personal items such as car keys and handbags
  • Close all doors behind you if you are the last one out of the room
  • Walk to a basement or lowest level of a building - do not use elevators
  • Go to the building pre-designated shelter area for accountability and further instructions
  • Keep listening and check cell phone for Penguin Alert message updates- Do not leave until the All Clear is given

For building or other facility non-emergency issues, call Facilities Maintenance at ext. 3232. After 4:00 PM, call YSU Police at ext. 3527.


  • Active Shooter

    Immediately contact the YSU Police at (330) 941-3527 or 911 from a campus phone.

    An active shooter is an individual actively engaged in killing or attempting to kill people in a confined and populated area, typically by use of firearms. 


    • Location of the active shooter.
    • Number of shooters.
    • Physical description of shooters.
    • Number and type of weapons held by shooters.
    • Number of potential victims at the location
    • Report any unusual blocked, barricaded or chained doors

    ACTIVE SHOOTER SIGNS (Note: This is not an all-inclusive list. Also, not all individuals exhibiting the characteristics on this list are active assailants.) 

    • Increased drug or alcohol use.
    • Increased unexplained absenteeism.
    • Decreased attention to appearance and hygiene.
    • Depression/Withdrawal.
    • Resistance/overreaction to policy changes.
    • Increased severe mood swings.
    • Explosive unprovoked outbursts.
    • Suicidal/violence related comments.
    • Empathy with individuals who commit violent acts.
    • Increased interest in firearms and other weapons.

    1. RUN! If you are in the area where the shooter is located:

    • Use your escape plan, get out at the first sign of danger. Get out of the immediate area. Get out by any mean, even if it means breaking a window to get out.
    • Leave ALL belongings behind.
    • Take others with you, if possible, you may need to leave wounded individuals behind.

    2. HIDE! If you cannot get out of the immediate area where the shooter is located:

    • Find a place to hide where the shooter is less likely to find you. Stay out of the shooter’s view.
    • Lock the door. Classroom doors are locked and only need to be closed to secure. Barricade with heavy furniture if possible.
    • Hide behind heavy objects (desks, file cabinets, etc.). Remain quiet, silence your phone and other sources of noise.

    3. FIGHT! As a last resort to save your life you may need to attack the shooter:

    • Yell, scream, act aggressively towards the shooter.
    • An attack by a group of people is more effective than by a single person.
    • Improvise weapons (chairs, laptops, paperweights, sharp objects). Inflict as much pain and injury on the shooter as possible.


    • Remain calm and follow instructions.
    • Put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets).
    • Raise hands and spread fingers.
    • Keep hands visible at all times.
    • Avoid quick movements toward officers such as holding on to them for safety.
    • Avoid pointing, screaming or yelling.
    • Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating.

    Follow Lock Down Procedures (see left column)

    The Fire alarm system should NOT be activated for an active shooter emergency; pulling the fire alarm facilitates evacuation but does not facilitate the proper tactics.

  • Bomb Threat Report Form


    • Remain calm. Keep the caller on the line as long as possible so that the call may be traced.
    • DO NOT transfer the call or interrupt the caller.
    • If your phone has a display, copy the information in the display.
    • Call or have someone nearby call YSU Police at (330) 941-3527 or 911 from a campus phone.


    • Where is the bomb located?
    • When will it go off?
    • What does it look like?
    • What kind of bomb is it?
    • What will make it explode?
    • Did you place the bomb?
    • Why?
    • What is your name? Write down the exact wording of the bomb threat. 


    • Angry, calm, laughing, etc. 


    • Coughing, crying, excited, etc.

    Complete the Bomb Threat Form as soon as possible after phone call.

  • Chemical Spills


    • Follow Building Evacuation Procedures (see left hand column)
    • Sound the fire alarm to evacuate the building if fumes are present.
    • Contact YSU Police at (330) 941-3527 or 911 from a campus phone.
    • If you know the name of the chemical, inform the dispatcher
    • Identify the building where the spill occurred and the room number or location
    • Give the approximate amount of the spill.
    • Give your name and the telephone number from which you are calling.
    • Note any injuries.
  • Fire


    • Follow Building Evacuation Procedures (see left hand column)
    • Manually activate the fire alarm via the nearest pull station. The pull stations are RED and are labeled FIRE; they are usually located near exits.
    • Call YSU Police at (330) 941-3527, or 911 from any campus phone.

    If you have been properly trained, and when safe to do so, use the nearest fire extinguisher to fight small, manageable fires.
    Remember PASS:

    Pull the pin on the extinguisher handle.
    Aim low at the base of the fire.
    Squeeze the handle.
    Spray from side to side


    • Place wet cloth material around or under the door to prevent smoke from entering the room.
    • Close as many doors as possible between you and the fire.
    • Be prepared to signal someone outside; DO NOT break glass unless absolutely necessary as outside smoke may be drawn into the room.


    • Drop, and crawl toward exit.
    • Stay low to the floor and hold your breath as long as possible

    NEVER IGNORE A FIRE ALARM! Evacuation is mandatory!

  • Tornadoes/Severe Weather
    • Follow Shelter In Place Procedures (see left column)
    • If you are outside, lie flat on the ground in a depression and cover the back of your head and neck with your hands.
    • Do not seek cover in an automobile or under a tree
    • If driving a vehicle, get out and seek shelter in a building or low area
    • Never try to “out run” a tornado.

    A warning is issued when a hazardous weather event is occurring, is imminent or has a very high probability of occurring. A warning is used for conditions posing a threat to life or property.

    Watch A watch is used when the risk of a hazardous weather event has increased significantly, but its occurrence, location, and/or timing is still uncertain. It is intended to provide enough lead time so that those who need to set their plans in motion can do so.