Ultra Transition

Blackboard Ultra Transition

what is blackboard ultra?

Ultra describes Blackboard's newest version of the learning management system with a focus on improved workflows to better support teaching and learning. 

Blackboard Ultra provides:

  • a consistent teaching and learning platform for faculty and students
  • monthly product enhancements and maintenance
  • a modern course view
  • an intuitive, fully responsive design
  • a simplified way to design and develop courses

Learn more about Blackboard Ultra below.


Transition and training Timeline

The university has committed to transitioning all courses to Ultra by the start of fall 2024 in order to provide students and instructors with a consistent learning experience. We will no longer support Blackboard Original starting the first day of the fall 2024 term.

The Department of Cyberlearning will provide department-specific training starting in January 2023. The training timeline displays when each department will undergo training. Specific registration links will be provided directly to your department. For questions regarding this transition plan, contact the Department of Cyberlearning at x1535. The following training options will be available to your department:

  • In-Person Classes
  • Remote Webinars
  • Conversion Consultations
  • Online, Self-Paced Course
  • Office Hours


Common Questions 

  • How will the Ultra experience change my course?

    In the Ultra Course View, you will experience simplified workflows, a modern design, and a responsive interface on all devices. The Ultra Course View will look and function different than the Original Course View. All course content appears on the main course page as opposed to within a folder system in the Original Course View. When you access a piece of content in the Ultra Course View, it will slide out overtop the Course Content page. This document will provide a basic overview of the Ultra Course View.

  • Do I have an Original course or an Ultra course?

    The university currently supports both course views, therefore, you may have some courses that are Original and some courses that are Ultra. You can identify the course type from your course list. Original courses will be clearly labeled with the text "Original Course View" next to the course name and a gray bar to the left of the course listing. If the bar to the left of the course listing is a color, the course is an Ultra course.

    Two blackboard courses listed on the course page, one showing the "original course view" label



  • How do I preview an Ultra course?

    Converting a course to the Ultra Course View is a permanent step. Therefore, we urge faculty to preview a course first to feel comfortable and to ensure your course features and tools are available in the new platform. Use the preview to explore rather than build within your course. Any changes made in preview mode will not be saved if you choose to exit the preview and continue in the Original Course View. Changes made in preview mode will remain if you fully convert to the Ultra Course View.

    You can also request an Ultra Sandbox course (sample course) to be created within Blackboard. This course will serve as your private space to experiment and practice in Ultra without impacting any of your available university courses.

    We recommend converting a copy of one of your Original courses so you can see how your actual course content will look and function within the Ultra Course View.

    Email the IDDC office to request a sandbox course or a copy of one of your Original courses.

  • Can I convert my course back to the Original Course View after converting to the Ultra Course View?

    No, once you have previewed a course in the Ultra Course View and confirmed the option to keep the Ultra Course View, the conversion is permanent and cannot be reversed. 

  • Do I have to train with my department?

    Departmental training is being utilized as a way to manage resources and to encourage a community of learning among peers. However, you can also choose to schedule a one-on-one consultation, take advantage of Blackboard or previously recorded webinars, or enroll in a self-paced Blackboard Ultra Training Course.