Pete's Pride

For information about COVID-19 from YSU

Welcome to Pete's Pride!

Pete’s Pride is a volunteer initiative that helps Youngstown State University recruit new students, mentor current students and engage recent graduates. With over 1,500 volunteers and more than 6,500 hours served, volunteers assist with enrollment, career development and community outreach efforts at YSU. Membership is open to YSU alumni, former students, parents of students, faculty, staff and interested community members. Volunteer opportunities exist for those living outside of the Youngstown area, as well as Mahoning Valley residents. The time commitment is at the volunteer’s discretion. You can help YSU continue to grow and thrive!

Sign up here to join Pete’s Pride 

All YSU polos and dress shirts are appropriate for all volunteer opportunities. Find yours at the YSU Bookstore website or at the Bookstore on campus.


Thank you to our Pete's Pride volunteers who offered words of encouragement to our students. Our Pete's Pride members never fail to show what it means to be Y and Proud!

Dear Fellow Penguin,
Pete's Pride is our alumni and friends volunteer group at YSU. Some of our members wanted to reach out to you during this difcult time and offer you some words of encouragement.As a Penguin Family, we are in this together!

Geoff Kehrer

Unprecedented times. Uncertainty and frustration. Even grads who are making their way in the world outside of YSU are feeling the same things.Asking that you continue to persevere, and keep your eye on the prize. Things will get better, despite how you see things at this very moment. You couldn't be at a better institution for higher learning. We're all in this together, and I look forward to seeing all of you succeed, and reading all your stories in the months to come. Short-term pain; long-term gain. You can do this!

Much love YSU family!
Geoff Kehrer '94

Tracy Behnke

If I had to choose one thing that being a Penguin taught me, it is how to overcome challenges.When things don't go as planned, when we have to pivot and adapt to a "new normal" that is our time to shine.Our time to pause, think outside the box, and be that motivation to persevere not only for ourselves, but for everyone around us.Take this time as an opportunity to be your biggest cheerleader and supporter, to thrive and to come out a more kind, understanding and compassionate person. These things cannot be taught, but can be learned.

Tracy Behnke '08
Youngstown Metro Market Executive Director, American Heart Association

Brittney Whitehouse

One thing that I've done to make it easier is I've decorated my computer desktop with pictures of the people that I am self-quarantining for as I work from home. YSU is doing their best to protect you and everyone you love by letting you complete the semester from home, and it will be worth it when we keep this pandemic from getting out of control. Don't forget to use your resources, video chat, email, etc. to stay in touch with each other and your professors, and things will be back to normal before you know it.

Britney Whitehouse '16 BSBA

Max Gocala-Nguyen

I know this is a challenging time with much uncertainty, but I hope you have found strength within yourself, friends, and family to work through. Please know that though our community may not be physically together, we will always be here to support one another. Being a Penguin is more than just a name or idea, it's a great family that is carried throughout our lives

Max Gocala-Nguyen, '15

Stacey L. Adger

I am extending my best wishes to each and every one of my fellow 'Guins. As you strive to finish the semester under a sea of change and uncertainty, remember you are not going it alone. You are part of our YSU family and we support one another. In spite of the challenges, stay focused, stay driven and more importantly, STAY SAFE!

Stacey L. Adger
B. A. Speech Communications '88

Marianne Lloyd

I bet this is not what you dreamed of for finishing the semester. As a professor at Seton Hall University, I can assure you it wasn't my dream either. That said, if there was something that being a Penguin taught me, it was to make the best of what I had. I tell my students to remember they are "capable and worthy." Capable of doing the work and worthy of the effort it will take. I'm rooting for you from NJ!

Take care,
Marianne Lloyd
Psychology, class of 2000

Tony Lozzi

Hi. I graduated from YSU with a degree in marketing and an MBA in Finance. 1984. Yikes!! I know especially these days it can be difficult to continue your education but it was the best decision of my life! (Don’t tell my wife!). Do what you can to graduate. My degrees from YSU gave my so many opportunities it did change my life as it will yours.

Take care.
Tony Lozzi Director Coca-Cola USA Retired

Rick Williams

YSU Students are never completely alone even if you are by yourself right now. You are supported in all of your efforts and joined by all of us who have attended, graduated from, or just love this place as members of Pete's Pride. As a current YSU tutor and volunteer, I will say reach out. Use your Penguin Family. We are in this together.
Y and Proud,
Rick Williams '72

Rosemary Fuller

Semesters seem long, but the journey and perseverance are what builds character. You CAN do this. Study like your life depends on it. You will be glad you did. Here is a poem I would like to share with you: “This day is a special day, it is yours. Yesterday slipped away, it cannot be filled with more meaning. About tomorrow, nothing is known. But this day, today, is yours, make use of it. Today you can make someone happy. Today you can help another. This day is a special day, it is yours. "

Wishes for the best,
Rosemary Fuller
Lifelong Learner
Pete’s Pride

Harold Wilson

During these very difficult unprecedented times, rest assured the members of Pete's Pride and the entire YSU Community will be here for you when the crisis is over. Rest assured the measures that may seem extreme are undertaken with the best interests for YOU and the and Penguins everywhere. The time will come when we will be able to resume a healthy and safe life. I'd like to compliment the Penguin family for their sacrifices and diligent efforts being undertaken.
Go GUINS! Rise above!

Harold Wilson '80
Masters in Education PROUD Pete's Pride Member and Volunteer

Marcy Angelo

Hi there! We are living in a world of uncertainty and yes, it can be very overwhelming! I had the choice to work remote prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, so this is my 'normal', although that isn't the case for some of you. BE PATIENT! Be open. Consider the big picture. This is an adjustment for the majority of folks and mistakes will be made. Practice! Host video calls with fellow students or professors to get used to being on camera. Laugh! It increases a connection with someone. We are all human!

Marcy Angelo, BSBA, December 2015

Karen Seidler

During this challenging time, hang in there! Keep your social distancing. I graduated from YSU in 1978 as a respiratory therapist. We are unfortunately in the front line right now. Be safe. Be Strong!

Y and Proud,
Karen Seidler '78

Dr. Brian Stevens

I hope this finds you well. In tough times like these, I like to focus on the silver lining by looking for the Helpers, all of the people who are putting yours and others' interests ahead of their own. We're all in this together and we'll get through together with each other's help.

Dr. Brian Stevens, Class of 2005

Robert Pavlik

Hi! I want you to know that the YSU alumni community is thinking of you and is here to support you. During stressful times, there are opportunities to see the best of humanity. I know you are choosing to be your best. This virus has forced us to quickly change nearly everything we do. It's a good real-world lesson: You'll need to be able to change course in life when unexpected things happen. I know that as a member of the Penguin family, you will rise to meet those challenges.

Wishing you all the best!
Robert Pavlik '82

Antonette Joseph

It's ok to be worried and stressed. Find a routine and stick to it, it'll help you feel focused and give you the ability to complete your semester during an unprecedented time in your life. If you need help and want to reach out, I'm struggling with the same feelings and anxieties while I try to work from home. Be sure to take care of your mental and physical health if you can and find creative ways to stay connected. We are all in this together and YSU (and it's alumni) are here to help you!

Antonette Joseph '09, BSBA

Alicia L. Siler

Hello YSU Students! Sending a note to encourage you because as a YSU alum, I know this time of the semester can be challenging during "normal" circumstances. Though we are are in a season of uncertainty & have experienced many changes, one thing remains the same: you have YSU faculty & resources available to aid your success! Because I've been a college student throughout the years, have worked in the private sector, and now teach at YSU, I've learned that challenges are a part of growth and development--no matter the circumstances. I encourage you to use these experiences to strengthen your skills, embrace new ones, & reach out for help rather than struggle alone. I understand that sometimes it's hard to ask for help, but it IS okay because we ALL need help at times. It's not weakness to ask for help-- it's wise. I'm working hard alongside of you too, and I included a candid photo to prove it--Y and Proud!

Alicia L. Siler, M.A. '16
Pete's Pride Volunteer
CCCAC, Department of Communication
Part-time Faculty Member

The Office of Alumni and Events is here to support and encourage our students. From Penguin to Penguin, we are in this together!
If you have any questions or if you would like to be in contact with one of our Pete’s Pride members, please email Brittany with the name of the Pete’s Pride member you would like to chat with.
Brittany Debaugh '17
Alumni Engagement Coordinator

Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities

In following the directives of Ohio Governor Mike DeWine and the CDC, Youngstown State University has canceled all events and volunteer opportunities on campus through May, 2020. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we work through these challenging times.Please keep an eye on your email for updates from Pete's Pride with our latest newsletter. We look forward to being able to work with you again in the future!

The YSU Career Closet

The Food Pantry

Pete's Pride members from Colorado and Texas have joined the new Postcard Writing Campaign. You can make a difference from wherever you are by sharing why you love YSU with prospective students, and why they will too!

Sign Up Here to Share Your YSU Experiences

Keep Up With Pete's Pride

Are you part of the Pride or interested in becoming a member? The Pete’s Pride newsletter is a great way to keep up with the group, find out what's happening and learn how you can get involved. The newsletter is sent to members via email every 8-12 weeks. Join Pete’s Pride to receive the newsletter.

You can also follow us on Facebook and LinkedIN - look for "YSU Pete's Pride" - and follow @ysualumni on Twitter.