
Accessing Accomodation Letters in accommodate

Faculty Accommodate Instructions

Accommodate Log In Page:
Logging in

Go to the Accommodate log in page: Enter your YSU username and password.


Your Home Page

Once you are logged in, you will see your Accommodate Home Page. Navigation tabs run along the left side of the page: Home, Accommodation Letters, Courses, Resources, and My Account.

You will also notice three sections: News Feed, where announcements and notifications will appear intermittently throughout the semester.


Navigating Accommodate: The Menu

Accommodation Letters

On this page, you will see a list of students enrolled in your class(es) who have requested that their accommodation letters be shared with you. The list can be sorted by semester and course.


Selecting Courses brings you to a list of the courses you are teaching this semester. Clicking on a course opens a new page where you can access Course Details and Enrolled Students.


Courses-Enrolled Students

In the Courses-Enrolled students tab, you can sort for students that have accommodations by course.

Basics: Step-by-step, how to view student's Accommodation Letters

  1. Once you are logged into Accommodate, select Accommodation Letters from the menu on the left.
  2. On the Accommodation Letters page, you'll see a list of the students who have requested that accommodations be implemented in your class. You can sort the list by semester and/or course. Type the semester and course into the appropriate fields (on top of the list) and click the Apply Search button.
  3. Select any student's letter to view it. Letters can be labeled Accommodation Letter, Semester Request Letter, or Supplemental Request Decision. Regardless of the label, these letters and the procedures around them are the same. Read, "Accessing a Student's Accommodation Letter" below for more details.
  4. The letters are stored here, but if you wish, you can use the buttons on this page, Accessibility Letter, to Save it directly to your device, Generate a PDF of the letter, or Print a hard copy of it.
  5. Follow the instructions on the letter to contact Accessibility Services if you have any questions or concerns about the student's accommodations and how they should be implemented in your class.
  6. Accessibility Services recommends electronically signing the letter when you and the student have finalized arrangements to implement his/her accommodations in your class. Please see "Signing the Accommodation Letter" and "Discussion with the Student" below for more details.


Details: Sorting and viewing accommodations on the Courses Home Page

Located in the menu on the left side of your Accommodate Homepage, the Courses tab is the most convenient way to see and sort through the Accommodations of students who are enrolled in the class or classes you are leading this semester. On the Courses page, you will see a list of all of your courses.

1. Select the course you would like to look at.
You will see Course Details, Enrolled Students and Alternative Test Bookings.

2. Select Enrolled Students

3. Select More Filters

4. Approved Accommodations for this Course- select Yes

5. Apply Search
You will see a list of students in your course approved for accommodations and what a list of the accommodations they receive.

NOTE: From time to time, you may receive a letter titled Supplemental Request Decision-Approved. In this case, a student with accommodations in your class has requested and been approved for a new accommodation. The new accommodation is listed in the letter and should be implemented along with the student's other accommodations (for which you've already received a letter).


Viewing and Storing the Accommodation Letter:
  1. Select Accommodation Letter
  2. Select the student’s letter
  3. Once you select a student's letter, it appears on the Accessibility Letter page. The body of the letter contains the student's accommodation(s) authorized by Accessibility Services , a brief description of the accommodation, and the courses in which the student would like to implement the accommodation. The buttons on the top and bottom allow you to Save, Print, or Generate PDF of the letter, or Cancel to return to the previous page. Attached Forms.


Optional Signing the Accommodation Letter:

There is a field for your electronic signature at the end of each of your students' Accommodation Letters. We urge you to sign this document not when you receive or read the letter, but only after you've discussed with the student how their accommodations will be implemented in your class. Accessibility Services does not monitor whether or not you sign the letter, but it is a useful tool to help you to track the students with whom you've made arrangements, and those who have not yet communicated with you.


Discussion with the Student:

Students are still expected to meet with or email you to discuss how their accommodations will be implemented in your class. Accessibility Services stresses this requirement with our students when they register for accommodations.

Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns. Please call us at 330-941-1372 or email us at