Dr. Nancy Landgraff
Chair Professor
Graduate Studies in Health & Rehabilitation Sciences
Cushwa Hall B321
phone: (330) 941-2703
Dr. Nancy Landgraff joined the YSU faculty in 1997 and, in 2012, became department chair. Prior to that, she had worked for 15 years in the physical therapy profession.
Before earning her doctorate in rehabilitation sciences from the University of Pittsburgh, Landgraff earned a bachelor’s degree in physical therapy from the University of Pittsburgh, then a master’s degree from the University of Florida in health sciences.
Under her leadership, the Ohio Physical Therapy Association named YSU’s Doctor of Physical Therapy program, created in 2008, statewide Program of the Year for 2020 and 2021. Since the doctoral program began, 376 students have graduated from the program, including 35 during spring commencement in May, according to the university. All total, Landgraff has educated over 500 Physical Therapists at YSU.
Under Landgraff’s watch, the university’s physical therapy capabilities expanded as parts of Cushwa Hall underwent renovations to accommodate additional field training space. In addition, she supported the development of a doctorate program in health sciences and a revised master’s degree program in health and human services.
Landgraff also volunteers for a program called Walk with a Doc, which provides free, health practitioner led walking groups throughout the year and Heart Walk. In addition, she has served as a physical therapy consultant for Steward Health Hillside Rehabilitation Hospital in Warren.
Landgraff also has held leadership positions at the American Heart Association and the Ohio Physical Therapy Association.
Dr. Landgraff’s hard work, expertise, and commitment to the physical therapy profession over 28 years at YSU have transformed PT into one of the university’s most successful academic programs.
Research Interests
Stroke rehabilitation, outcomes assessment, population health
Teaching Interests
Physical Therapy basic skills, professionalism, Interprofessional Education, leadership