Dr. Kenneth Miller

Dr. Kenneth Miller - profile photo

Dr. Kenneth Miller


Psychological Sciences & Counseling

Beeghly Hall 3209

phone: (330) 941-3325


  • Education
    • 1990

      Ph D, Counselor Education

      Purdue University

    • 1985

      MS, Counseling

      Purdue University

    • 1979

      BA, Sociology/Social Work

      Purdue University

  • Awards and Honors
    • 2021

      Academia Letters

      Academia Letters-Ad hoc reviewer

      Served as ad hoc reviewer for publication.

    • 2020

      Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development (MECD)

      Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development (MECD)-Ad hoc reviewer

      Served as ad hoc reviewer for publication.

    • 2019

      Youngstown State University

      Awarded a Research Professorship entitled, “Validation of the Professional Dispositions Scale: Healthcare Providers’ Version

      Designed and implemented a study designed to validate the Professional Dispositions Scale: Healthcare Providers Version.

    • 2017

      Youngstown State University and the National Board for Certified Counselors

      Awarded a one-year sabbatical to investigate the mental health service delivery system in the Kingdom of Bhutan, complete a psychiatric residency at the Jigme Dorji Wangchuck National Referral Hospital, and teach at the Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan, Thimphu, Bhutan

      Completed a clinical residence in psychiatry at the Jigme Dorji Wangchuk National Referral Hospital. Provided consulting services in the development of a certification course entitled, “Career Counseling” for educational consultants in Bhutan. Conducted studies designed to identify professional healthcare providers' beliefs regarding the etiology and treatment of mental disorders.

    • 2016

      American Mental Health Counselors Association

      Awarded outstanding poster at the American Mental Health Counselors Association National Conference, New Orlean, LA (2016)

      Received award for outstanding poster presentation.

    • 2015

      Association for Counselor Education and Supervision of the American Counseling Association

      Outstanding Counseling Program in the United States

      This counseling program level award was based on a comprehensive review of program quality, program faculty, and program products.

    • 2013

      Universal Access in the Information Society

      Universal Access in the Information Society, Ad hoc reviewer

      Served as ad hoc reviewer for this publication.

    • 2012

      News Digest International

      Honorable Mention from News Digest International for “Counselors Corner” column that I authored

      Award was based on the quality of an editorial written by the author and published in a university newspaper.

    • 2010

      Youngstown State University

      Promoted to rank of Professor

      Promotion was based on meeting promotion criteria in the areas of teaching, research/scholarship, and service.

    • 2010

      Marquis Who'sWho in the World

      Cited in MARQUIS Who’sWho in the World

      Award was made based on meeting criteria established by Marquis Who'sWho in the World.

    • 2010

      American Psychotherapy Association

      Appointed to Executive Board of the American Psychotherapy Association

      Appointment was made based on leadership, scholarship, and service in the field of psychotherapy.

    • 2010

      American Association of Integrative Medicine (AAIM)

      Appointed as Chair, Board of Governors, American Association of Integrative Medicine (AAIM) Accreditation Commission

      Appointment was made based on leadership activities and scholarship in the field of integrative medicine.

    • 2009

      International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology, and Learning

      Appointed to the editorial review board of the International Journal of Cyber Behavior, Psychology, and Learning

      Served on the editorial review board for the journal.

    • 2009

      International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design

      Appointed to the editorial review board of the International Journal of Online Pedagogy and Course Design

      Served on the editorial review board for the journal.

    • 2008

      Journal of Diversity in Higher Education (JDHE, American Psychological Association)

      Journal of Diversity in Higher Education (JDHE, American Psychological Association)-Ad hoc reviewer

      ​Served as an ad hoc reviewer for the journal.

    • 2008

      Chi Sigma Iota

      Chi Sigma Iota Outstanding Individual Program Award

      This counseling program level award was based on a comprehensive review of program quality, program faculty, and program products.

    • 2008

      Youngstown State University

      Action Assessment Award from the YSU Office of Assessment for co-authoring two model department assessment reports

      Award was based on quality of assessment reports.

    • 2007

      Marquis Who'sWho in America

      Cited in MARQUIS Who’sWho in America

      Award was made based on meeting criteria established by Marquis Who'sWho in the America.

    • 2006

      Youngstown State University

      Recognized for scholarship at the YSU Faculty Accomplishments Showcase sponsored by CATALYST

      Award was based on quality of research/scholarship.

    • 2005

      Youngstown State University

      Promoted to rank of Associate Professor

      Promotion was based on meeting promotion criteria in the areas of teaching, research/scholarship, and service.

    • 2004

      Youngstown State University

      Awarded tenure: Department of Counseling

      Awarding of tenure was based on meeting criteria in the areas of teaching, research/scholarship, and service.

    • 2003

      Association for Counselor Education and Supervision of the American Counseling Association

      Outstanding Counseling Program in the United States

      This counseling program level award was based on a comprehensive review of program quality, program faculty, and program products.

    • 2003

      Youngstown State University

      Awarded a Research Professorship: Youngstown State University

      Award was based on a proposed study of clinicians' computer usage during live counseling sessions.

    • 2003

      Youngstown State University Board of Trustees

      Acknowledged by the Youngstown State University Board of Trustees in recognition of service performed in the successful accreditation of the Beeghly College of Education by the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (NCATE)

      Acknowledgement was based on quality of accreditation report and successful college accreditation by NCATE.

    • 2003

      AcademicKeys Who's Who in Education

      Cited in AcademicKeys Who's Who in Education (WWE)

      Award was based on meeting criteria established by AcademicKeys Who's Who in Education.

    • 2002

      Youngstown State University

      Awarded Graduate Faculty Status at Youngstown State University

      Award was based on meeting criteria established by graduate school at Youngstown State University

    • 2001

      Youngstown State University

      Distinguished Professorship Award for University Service

      Award was based on the comprehensive re-design of the university counseling center/community counseling clinic and the implementation of diverse technologies for use in clinical training at the UCC/CCC.

    • 2000

      Youngstown State University

      Awarded graduate and/or research assistants every year of employment at Youngstown State University

      Award was made based on research productivity.

    • 2000

      Kappa Delta Pi

      Kappa Delta Pi (International Honor Society in Education)

      Award was made based on meeting criteria established by Kappa Delta Pi.

    • 2000

      Pi Lambda Theta

      Pi Lambda Theta (International Honor Society and Professional Association in Education)

      Award was made based on meeting criteria established by Pi Lambda Theta.

    • 1989

      Journal of Vocational Education Research

      Journal of Vocational Education Research, Ad hoc reviewer

      Served a an ad hoc reviewer for the journal.

    • 1987

      Chi Sigma Iota

      Inducted into Chi Sigma Iota Counseling, Academic & Professional Honor Society International

      ​Induction was based on meeting ​academic criteria established by Chi Sigma Iota.

    • 1984

      Phi Kappa Phi

      Phi Kappa Phi (Scholastic Honor Society): Life Member

      Award was based on meeting scholastic criteria established by Phi Kappa Phi.

  • Professional Positions
    • 2018 - 2018

      Khesar Gyalpo University of Medical Sciences of Bhutan

      Instructor, Faculty of Nursing and Public Health

    • 2010 - 2029

      Youngstown State University

      Professor, Department of Psychological Sciences and Counseling

    • 2007 - 2007

      Youngstown State University

      Community Counseling Program Internship Coordinator

    • 2005 - 2010

      Youngstown State University

      Associate Professor, Department of Counseling and Special Education

    • 2003 - 2005

      Youngstown State University

      Chairperson, Department of Counseling

    • 2000 - 2005

      Youngstown State University

      Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling

    • 2000 - 2004

      Youngstown State University

      Director, University Counseling Center/Community Counseling Clinic

    • 1993 - 1995

      University of Hawaii at Manoa

      Assistant Professor, Department of Counselor Education

    • 1992 - 1993

      The Citadel

      Assistant Professor, Department of Counseling

    • 1990 - 1992

      California State University, San Bernardino

      Assistant Professor, Department of Advanced Studies

  • Administrative Assignments
    • 2017 - 2024


    • 2003 - 2005

      Department Chairperson

    • 2000 - 2004


    • 1987 - 1989


    • 1986 - 1987


    • 1985 - 1986


    • 1980 - 1983


  • Intellectual Contributions
    • 2023

      "Serving Families of Students with Intense Learning Needs: A Practitioner's Guide for School Psychologists and other School-Based Related-Services Providers"

      R. VanVoorhis, K. Miller, S. Miller

      Youngstown State University

    • 2023

      "Effectiveness of a brief psychoeducational workshop to enhance well-being among parents of children with disabilities."

      R. VanVoorhis, K. Miller, S. Miller

      Journal of Child and Family Studies (Springer), volume 32, issue na, p. 12

    • 2022

      "Promoting equal access to mental health services in rural Ohio: Perspectives through a social consciousness lens"

      R. VanVoorhis, K. Miller, S. Miller

      The Ohio Psychologist, 69, 22-26, volume 69, issue na, p. 5

    • 2022

      "Using vocational assessments to promote social justice for underserved families."

      R. VanVoorhis, K. Miller, S. Miller

      International Family Therapy Association World Congress

    • 2022

      "Balancing job satisfaction needs with workplace expectations: Implications for school psychology training"

      R. VanVoorhis, K. Miller, S. Miller

      School Psychology Training and Pedagogy, volume 39, issue 1, p. 13

    • 2022

      "A School-centered model for promoting family development and wellness in impoverished communities"

      S. Miller, M. Cripe, K. Miller, R. VanVoorhis

      International Family Therapy Association World Congress

    • 2022

      "Promoting resilience in families with a child diagnosed with a low-incidence disability"

      R. VanVoorhis, S. Miller, K. Miller

      International Family Therapy Association World Congress

    • 2022

      "Promoting equal access to mental health services in rural Ohio: Perspectives through a social consciousness lens. [Journal article]"

      R. VanVoorhis, K. Miller, S. Miller

      The Ohio Psychologist, volume 69, p. 22-24

    • 2022

      "Harnessing organizational leadership and cultural competence to create equitable and sustainable learning environments: The case of inner-city schools. [Journal article]"

      S. Ratican, K. Miller, M. Cripe, C. Ratican, S. Miller

      Journal of Education Human Resources

    • 2022

      "A school-based assessment model to promote cultural competence and student well-being."

      K. Miller, S. Miller, R. VanVoorhis

      International Family Therapy Association World Congress

    • 2021

      "CACREP Reaccreditation Report, Standard 2: Council for the Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs"

      K. Miller

      Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs

    • 2020

      "Interpreting results from research study of urban schools to inform program changes [Virtual presentation]"

      M. Cripe, K. Miller, C. Ratican, S. Miller

      Proceedings of the London International Conference on Education

    • 2020

      "An Educational strategy to promote economic opportunities in Impoverished urban areas. [Journal article]"

      M. Cripe, K. Miller, S. Miller, C. Ratican, S. Ratican

      International Journal of Innovative Business Practices, volume 6, issue 2

    • 2019

      "Review of Scale Development: Theory and Applications (4th ed)."

      K. Miller

      Sage Publications, Inc

    • 2019

      "A proposed definition and structure of counselor dispositions. [Journal article]"

      S. Miller, K. Larwin, M. Kaufman-East, J. Williams, D. Williams, A. Abramski, K. Miller

      Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, volume 53, issue 1, p. 117-130

    • 2018

      "Using dispositional assessments to promote professional competence among health care providers. [Journal article]"

      K. Miller, S. Miller, K. Larwin, W. Evans, A. Abramski, M. Kautzman-East, J. Williams, D. Williams

      Journal of DEStech Transactions on Social Science, Education and Human Science

    • 2018

      "Review of Practical Approaches to Clinical Supervision Across Settings (1st ed.)."

      K. Miller

      Pearson Publications

    • 2017

      "CAEP Rejoinder for CAEP Standard 5: Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation."

      K. Miller

      Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation. Washington, D.C

    • 2017

      "CAEP Institutional Response Report: Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation."

      K. Miller

      Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation

    • 2016

      "Review of Research and Evaluation in Counseling (2nd ed.)."

      K. Miller

      Cengage Learning

    • 2016

      "CAEP Standard 5 Report: Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation."

      K. Miller

      Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation

    • 2016

      "Beeghly College of Education Quality Assurance System Handbook: Policies and Procedures."

      K. Miller, J. Beese, K. Larwin, M. DiPillo

      Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation

    • 2015

      "Impact of Stepping Stones Triple P on parents with a child diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder: Implications for school psychologists"

      R. VanVoorhis, K. Miller, S. Miller, J. Stull

      School Psychology Forum, volume 9, issue 2, p. 22

    • 2015

      "Review of Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning: Integrating Theory with Clinical Practice in Preparationfor the fourth edition."

      K. Miller

      Sage Publications, Inc

    • 2015

      "Review of book (proposal) Cambridge Handbook of Cyber Behavior."

      K. Miller

      Cambridge University Press

    • 2015

      "Health homes: A next step toward integrative healthcare in the United States. [Journal article]"

      K. Miller, A. Stanley

      Annals of Psychotherapy

    • 2014

      "Health homes: A next step toward integrative healthcare in the United States. [Journal article]"

      K. Miller, A. Stanley

      American Association of Integrative Medicine

    • 2012

      "Shake-UP: Moving beyond the therapeutic impasse: Deconstructing rigidified professional roles"

      A. Ellenwood, L. Brok, K. Miller (Editor), S. O'Brien (Editor

      C & E Ltd

    • 2012

      "Proposal for a Youngstown State University Research Implementation Plan"

      K. Miller

      Youngstown State University, Academic Research Committee

    • 2011

      "Youngstown State University school psychology program response document."

      R. VanVoorhis, A. Ellenwood, K. Miller

      Ohio Board of Regents

    • 2011

      "Training for parents of children with disabilities: The Triple P approach. [Journal article]"

      R. VanVoorhis, G. Putt, K. Miller

      The Ohio Psychologist, volume 58, p. 16-19

    • 2011

      "American Association of Integrative Medicine accreditation manual."

      J. Campbell, K. Miller, J. Crabtree

      American Association of Integrative Medicine

    • 2010

      "Youngstown State University school psychology program full proposal"

      R. VanVoorhis, A. Ellenwood, K. Miller

      Ohio Inter-University Council of School Psychologists

    • 2010

      "Strengths and limitations of Beeghly College of Education academic programs: Focus group results."

      M. DiPillo, K. Miller, S. Miller

      National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

    • 2010

      "Interrater reliability of Teacher Work Samples: Final report."

      K. Miller, S. Miller, M. DiPillo, T. Kightlinger

      National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (now CAEP)

    • 2010

      "Institutional report for NCATE unit standard 2: Assessment system and unit evaluation"

      K. Miller

      National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

    • 2010

      "Executive summary: Concurrent validity of the assessment for student teacher candidates at Youngstown State University."

      K. Miller, S. Miller, M. DiPillo

      National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

    • 2010

      "Beeghly College of Education faculty and staff assessment handbook"

      K. Miller, M. DiPillo

      National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

    • 2010

      "Beeghly College of Education assessment handbook: Policies and procedures."

      K. Miller, M. DiPillo, T. Kightlinger

      National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

    • 2009

      "Training issues for therapists."

      S. Miller, M. Dove, K. Miller, T. JohnsonM

      14th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma

    • 2009

      "Requisite computer technologies and infrastructures for providing live, remote, clinical cybersupervision"

      K. Miller, S. Sanders, S. Miller

      American Counseling Association, p. 317-328

    • 2009

      "Mandating child safety and violence prevention: A comprehensive approach."

      M. Dove, K. Miller, S. Miller

      14th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma

    • 2009

      "Connected at any cost: Adolescent developmental needs and online relationship formation."

      S. Miller, K. Miller, C. Allison

      IGI Global

    • 2009

      "Annual report on the degree program assessment of student learning: Department of counseling and special education: Counseling program. (2009)"

      K. Miller

      Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

    • 2009

      "A counselor’s guide to child sexual abuse: Prevention, reporting and treatment strategies. [Journal article]"

      K. Miller, M. Dove, S. Miller

      VISTA from theAssociation for Counselor Education and Supervision Conference

    • 2008

      "Reasons educators and others do not report child abuse."

      M. Dove, K. Miller, S. Miller, V. Vieth

      13th International Conference on Violence, Abuse and Trauma

    • 2008

      "Interrater reliability of Teacher Work Samples: Preliminary report."

      K. Miller, S. Miller, M. DiPillo, T. Kightlinger

      National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

    • 2008

      "Challenges and solutions in the delivery of clinical cybersupervision."

      K. Miller, S. Miller

      Idea Group, Inc, p. 223-241

    • 2008

      "Annual report on the degree program assessment of student learning: Department of counseling and special education: Counseling program. (2008)"

      K. Miller

      Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

    • 2007

      "Using OISM to promote strategic planning and student achievement. [Journal article]"

      S. Imler, S. Lewis, M. Dove, K. Miller

      The Ohio Journal of Teacher Education, volume 20, issue 2, p. 1-17

    • 2007

      "Review of chapter manuscript for a textbook entitled, Understanding Online instructional modeling: Theories and practice."

      K. Miller

      IGI Global

    • 2007

      "Predictors of counselor educators’ cultural discriminatory behaviors. [Journal article]"

      K. Miller, S. Miller, J. Stull

      Journal of Counseling and Development, volume 5, issue 2, p. 187-192

    • 2007

      "Child sexual abuse: What every educator should know. [Journal article]"

      M. Dove, K. Miller

      Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators, volume 73, issue 3, p. 21-26

    • 2007

      "Annual report on the degree program assessment of student learning: Department of counseling and special education: Special Education."

      M. Briley, K. Miller

      Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

    • 2007

      "Annual report on the degree program assessment of student learning: Department of counseling and special education: Counseling program. (2007)"

      K. Miller, M. Briley

      Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

    • 2006

      "Reducing the achievement gap in Ohio: Implementing OISM to prepare graduates of Youngstown State University to meet the needs of all students-Final Report."

      S. Imler, K. Miller, M. Dove, S. Lewis, P. Rohrbaugh, M. Briley, M. DiMuzio, R. Hockman

      Special Education Personnel Development Advisory Committee

    • 2006

      "Faculty evaluation of BCOE graduates' abilities to implement the Ohio Integrated Systems Model (OISM)."

      K. Miller

      Ohio Department Of Education

    • 2006

      "Annual report on the degree program assessment of student learning: Department of counseling and special education. (2006)"

      K. Miller, M. Briley

      Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

    • 2005

      "The underlying dimensionality of the Survey of Cultural Attitudes and Behaviors."

      S. Miller, A. Cohen, K. Miller

      FTA, p. 75-80

    • 2005

      "Comprehensive assessment and evaluation system: Department of counseling, Youngstown State University."

      K. Miller

      Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs

    • 2005

      "Comprehensive assessment and evaluation system: Department of counseling, Youngstown State University."

      K. Miller

      Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

    • 2005

      "Annual report on the degree program assessment of student learning: Department of counseling and special education."

      K. Miller

      Higher Learning Commission of the North Central Association of Colleges and Schools

    • 2004

      "Innovative technology use in live counselor supervision."

      K. Miller, S. Miller, W. Evans

      Association for Educational Communication and Technology Conference on Emerging Technologies and Theories for Teaching and Learning, University of North Texas, p. 236–241

    • 2003

      "Reporting suspected child abuse: An educator’s legal, ethical, and moral obligation. [Journal article]"

      M. Dove, K. Miller, S. Miller

      Delta Kappa Gamma Bulletin: International Journal for Professional Educators, volume 69, issue 3, p. 21-26

    • 2003

      "Institutional report for NCATE unit standard 2: Assessment system and unit evaluation."

      K. Miller

      National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

    • 2003

      "Evidence matrix for NCATE unit standard 2: Assessment system and unit evaluation"

      K. Miller

      National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

    • 2003

      "Bruce Shertzer"

      K. Miller

      Brunner-Routledge/Taylor & Francis, p. 259-264

    • 2003

      "Assessment matrix for NCATE unit standard 3 (counseling): Field experiences and clinical practice."

      K. Miller, J. Carney

      National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

    • 2003

      "Assessment matrix for NCATE unit standard 2: Assessment system and unit evaluation."

      K. Miller

      National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Educatio

    • 2003

      "Assessment matrix for NCATE unit standard 1 (counseling): Candidate knowledge, skills, and dispositions."

      K. Miller, J. Carney

      National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education

    • 2003

      "Addendum to institutional report for standard 2: Assessment system and unit evaluation."

      K. Miller

      National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Educatio

    • 2003

      "Strategies for enhancing resilience in families with a child diagnosed with a low-incidence sensory disability: A parent guide"

      R. VanVoorhis, K. Miller, S. Miller, M. Galentine, M. Fisher

      The Family Resilience Project of Youngstown State University

    • 2002

      "Computer-assisted live supervision in college counseling centers. [Journal article]"

      K. Miller, S. Miller, W. Evans

      Journal of College Counseling, volume 5, issue 2, p. 187-192

    • 2002

      "A model for evaluating gender equity in academe."

      K. Miller, S. Miller

      Greenwood Publishing Group, p. 103-114

    • 2000

      "Theoretical and practical considerations in the design of web-based instruction."

      S. Miller, K. Miller

      Idea Group Publishing, p. 156-177

    • 1999

      "Using instructional theory to facilitate communication in web-based courses. [Journal article]"

      S. Miller, K. Miller

      Educational Technology and Society, volume 2, issue 3, p. 106-114

    • 1999

      "The academy: Vehicle for gender equity and cultural justice."

      K. Miller, S. Miller, G. Schroth

      University Press of America, Inc, p. 35-60

    • 1999

      "Role of the family in reducing the risk of reading failure in young children."

      S. Miller, K. Miller

      Proceedings of the 4th Annual National Coalition for At-Risk Children and Youth Conference, Texas Woman's University

    • 1999

      "Reducing the risk of cultural bias in public schools: Research findings and implications."

      K. Miller, S. Miller

      Proceedings of the 4th Annual National Coalition for At-Risk Children and Youth Conference, Texas Womans' University, p. 41-47

    • 1998

      "Teacher educators’ cultural attitudes and behaviors: Texas survey results. [Journal article]"

      L. Gwaltney

      Teacher Education and Practice, volume 14, issue 1, p. 30-42

    • 1997

      "Teacher perceptions of multicultural training in teacher-preparation programs."

      S. Miller, K. Miller, G. Scroth

      Journal of Instructional Psychology, volume 24, issue 4, p. 222-232

    • 1997

      "Survey of Cultural Attitudes and Behaviors"

      K. Miller, S. MillerK

    • 1997

      "Is higher education free from bias: Perceptions of graduates from teacher preparation programs?"

      S. Miller, K. Miller, G. Schroth

      Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Women in Higher Education, p. 292-299

    • 1996

      "Early childhood project: A study of a prototype for a strengthened system of preschool care and education: Final technical report."

      . Miller, D. Macy, J. Hutton, K. Miller, S. Macy

      Preschool Task Force of the Dallas Citizens Council

    • 1995

      "Evaluation report: AIDS supplementary guide for health education."

      K. Miller

      University of Hawai’i, Curriculum Research and Development Group, issue Tech. Rep. No. 019394006

    • 1994

      "Evaluation report: Reducing the risk - building skills to prevent pregnancy, STD, and HIV program."

      K. Miller

      University of Hawai’i, Curriculum Research and Development Group, issue Tech. Rep. No. 019394005

    • 1994

      "Evaluation report: Know your body school health promotion program."

      K. Miller

      University of Hawai’i, Curriculum Research and Development Group, issue Tech. Rep. No. 019394004

    • 1994

      "Comprehensive school health project in Hawaii evaluation report: 1993-94."

      M. Lai, G. Kagehiro, K. Miller

      Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai’i, Curriculum Research and Development Group, issue Tech. Rep. No. 019394003

    • 1989

      "Relation of counselor intention and anxiety to brief counseling outcome. [Journal article]"

      K. Kelly, A. Hall, K. Miller

      Journal of Counseling Psychology, volume 36, issue 2, p. 158-162

    • 1988

      "Working for Change: Planning a Gender Equity Workshop"

      R. Gipson, K. Bolyard, K. Miller, J. VanBuren, A. Hall

      Purdue University, Vocational Education Section

    • 1988

      "Gender-fair Counseling Strategies."

      M. Deason, K. Bolyard, A. Hall, K. Miller, J. VanBuren, R. Gibson

      Available from Purdue University, Vocational Education Section