Dr. Kendra Fowler

Dr. Kendra Fowler - profile photo

Dr. Kendra Fowler


Management & Marketing

Williamson Hall 3351

phone: (330) 941-2013



Kendra Fowler is a Professor of Marketing at Youngstown State University. She obtained an M.B.A and Ph.D. (Marketing) from Kent State University. Her primary research interests include services marketing, advertising, and retailing. Dr. Fowler’s research appears in the Journal of Services Marketing, Journal of Advertising, Journal of Business Research, and Marketing Letters, among other prestigious peer-reviewed journals. In addition she serves on the editorial boards of the International Journal of Advertising and the Service Industries Journal.

Research Interests

services marketing

Teaching Interests

Services Marketing
Marketing Management

  • Education
    • 2011

      Ph D, Marketing

      Kent State University

      Dissertation/Thesis Title — "An Expansion of Retail Site Selection Theory: Incorporating Managerial Intuition and Process Quality"

    • 1995

      MBA, Marketing

      Kent State University

    • 1993

      BS, Fashion Merchandising

      Kent State University

  • Awards and Honors
    • 2018

      Association of Marketing Theory and Practice

      "Best in Track" Marketing Theory & Practice Conference

      Awarded Best Paper in Integrated Marketing Communications Track at annual conference

    • 2018

      Youngstown State University

      Research Professorship

    • 2015

      Youngstown State University

      Research Professorship

    • 2013

      Emerald Publishing

      Emerald Literati Network Award for Excellence 2013

      Each journal published by Emerald is invited to select a winner of the "Outstanding Paper" award and up to three "Highly Commended" awards from the previous year's volume. As these are chosen following consultation amongst the journal's editorial team, many of whom will be eminent academics or managers, the winning authors will know that their paper was one of the most impressive pieces of work the team will have seen throughout last year.

    • 2011

      Kent State University

      University Fellow

      The University Fellowship is awarded annually to advanced doctoral students to recognize excellent scholarship and research potential. University Fellowship recipients are able to commit their time to dissertation research or writing. Each doctoral department/school is eligible to receive up to two University Fellowships. Approximately 15 University Fellowships are awarded each year.

    • 2010

      Association of Marketing Theory and Practice Conference

      "Best in Track" Association of Marketing Theory and Practice Conference

      Awarded Best in Track in the Promotion, Retailing, Sales, and Sales Management track of the 2010 conference.

  • Professional Positions
    • 2016 -

      Youngstown State University

      Associate Professor

    • 2011 - 2016

      Youngstown State University

      Assistant Professor

    • 2007 - 2011

      Kent State University

      Research Fellow

    • 2000 - 2007

      Kent State University

      Adjunct Faculty

    • 2000 - 2007

      Independent Research Analyst

    • 1998 - 2000

      Akron Beacon Journal

      Senior Marketing Research Database Analyst

    • 1997 - 1998

      Akron Beacon Journal

      Marketing Research Analyst

    • 1996 - 1997

      Akron Beacon Journal

      Sales Analyst

  • Intellectual Contributions
    • 2024

      "Understanding the Application of Evolutionary Psychology in Consumer Behavior: A Review and Future Research Agenda"

      F. Taheran, V. Thomas, K. Fowler, A. Mortazavi

      Psychology & Marketing

    • 2023

      "How Social Media Influencer Collaborations are Perceived by Consumers"

      V. Thomas, K. Fowler, F. Taheran

      Psychology & Marketing, volume 41, issue 1, p. 168-183

    • 2022

      "Examining the Outcomes of Influencer Activism"

      V. Thomas, K. Fowler

      Journal of Business Research

    • 2022

      "Influencer Marketing: A Scoping Review and a Look Ahead"

      K. Fowler, V. Thomas

      Journal of Marketing Management, volume 39, issue 11-12, p. 933-964

    • 2022

      "Grocery Shopping before, during and after the Pandemic: A Qualitative Study"

      E. Bridges, K. Fowler

      Family & Consumer Sciences Research Journal, volume 51, issue 1, p. 35-50

    • 2020

      "Turn the Other Cheek or an Eye for Eye: Exploring Brand-to-Brand Dialogue on Social Media"

      V. Thomas, K. Fowler

      Journal of Advertising, volume 50, issue 4, p. 441-460

    • 2020

      "Close Encounters of the AI Kind: Use of AI Influencers as Brand Endorsers"

      V. Thomas, K. Fowler

      Journal of Advertising, volume 50, issue 1, p. 11-25

    • 2020

      "Service Process Design and Management"

      S. Rayburn, S. Anderson, K. Fowler

      Routledge, p. 227-240

    • 2020

      "Innovative Service Environments"

      K. Fowler

      Routledge, p. 148-166

    • 2020

      "Celebrity influence on word of mouth: The interplay of power states and power expectations"

      V. Thomas, K. Fowler, C. Saenger

      Marketing Letters, volume 31, issue 1, p. 105-120

    • 2019

      "Pay-What-You-Want with Charitable Giving Positively Impacts Retailers"

      K. Fowler, V. Thomas

      Journal of Services Marketing, volume 33, issue 3, p. 273-284

    • 2019

      "Beyond Endorsements: The Effect of Celebrity Creative Directors on Consumers’ Attitudes toward the Advertisement"

      K. Fowler, V. Thomas

      Psychology & Marketing, volume 36, issue 11, p. 1003 -1013

    • 2018

      "Enhancing Students' Marketing Information Literacy"

      K. Fowler, V. Thomas, C. Saenger

      Marketing Education Review, volume 29, issue 1, p. 52-64

    • 2016

      "Business News as a Source of Information Literacy in Marketing"

      K. Fowler, E. Bridges

      Marketing Education Review, volume 27, issue 2, p. 97-103

    • 2016

      "Exploring the Use of Managerial Intuition in Retail Site Selection"

      K. Fowler

      Service Industries Journal, volume 36, issue 5, p. 183-199

    • 2016

      "Examining the Impact of Brand Transgressions on Consumers’ Perceptions of Celebrity Endorsers"

      V. Thomas, K. Fowler

      Journal of Advertising, volume 45, issue 4, p. 377-390.

    • 2015

      "More Isn't Always Better: Exploring the Influence of Familiarity When Using Multiple Celebrity Endorsers"

      V. Thomas, K. Fowler

      Journal of Promotion Management, volume 21, issue 1, p. 207-222

    • 2015

      "Creating a Professional Blog: An Experiential Classroom Exercise for Business Students"

      K. Fowler, V. Thomas

      Journal of Marketing Education, volume 37, issue 3, p. 181 -189

    • 2015

      "A Content Analysis of Male Roles in Television Advertising: Do Traditional Roles Still Hold"

      K. Fowler, V. Thomas

      Journal of Marketing Communications, volume 21, issue 5, p. 356-371

    • 2013

      "Conceptualization and Exploration of Attitude toward Advertising Disclosures and Its Impact on Perceptions of Manipulative Intent"

      V. Thomas, K. Fowler, P. Grimm

      Journal of Consumer Affairs, volume 47, issue 3, p. 564-587

    • 2012

      "Service Environment, Provider Mood, and Provider-Customer Interaction"

      K. Fowler, E. Bridges

      Managing Service Quality, volume 22, issue 2, p. 165-183

    • 2012

      "An Experiential Exercise in Service Environment Design"

      K. Fowler, E. Bridges

      Journal of Marketing Education, volume 34, issue 2, p. 156-164

    • 2011

      "The Implications of the FTC’s Clear and Conspicuous Standards for the Communication of Credit Card Information to Young Consumers"

      V. Thomas, K. Fowler, R. Kolbe

      Journal of Financial Services Marketing, volume 16, issue 3/4, p. 195-209

    • 2010

      "Consumer Innovativeness: Impact on Expectations, Perceptions, and Choice among Retail Formats"

      K. Fowler, E. Bridges

      Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, volume 17, issue 6, p. 492-500

    • 2009

      "Consumer Expectations, Retail Perception and Choice"

      E. Bridges, K. Fowler

      Moving Forward with Service Quality, p. 27-29

    • 1993

      "Reversal of Fortune"

      F. Stein, K. Fowler

      Entrepreneurial Strategy, p. 308-317

  • Professional Service
    • 2023 - 2023

      Missouri State University

    • 2021 - present

      Editorial Review Board Member
      International Journal of Advertising

    • 2016 - present

      Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
      Sociological Forum

    • 2015 - present

      Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
      Journal of Service Theory and Practice

    • 2015 - present

      AMA Collegiate Conference Website Judge

    • 2013 - present

      American Marketing Association

    • 2011 - present

      Editorial Review Board Member
      Service Industries Journal

    • 2010 - 2015

      Reviewer, Ad Hoc Reviewer
      Managing Service Quality

    • 2010 - present

      Reviewer, Conference Paper
      Services and Retailing/Pricing Tracks, AMA Summer Educators’ Conference

    • 2010 - present

      Reviewer, Conference Paper
      Promotion/Retailing and Services Marketing Tracks, Marketing Theory and Practice Conference

    • 2008 - present

      Reviewer, Journal Article
      Service Industries Journal

    • 2001 - 2002

      Officer, Treasurer
      American Marketing Association (Akron/Canton OH Chapter)

    • Unknown

      Reviewer, Journal Article
      Journal of Service Research

    • Unknown

      Reviewer, Journal Article
      Clothing and Textiles Research Journal

  • Public Service
    • 2014 - present

      Board Member
      Grow Youngstown