Dr. Jessi Hinz

Assistant Professor
Dr. Jessi Hinz - profile photo

Dr. Jessi Hinz

Assistant Professor

Management & Marketing


Research Interests

Positive Relationships at Work
Development and Growth
Grief-Work Interface

Teaching Interests

Organizational Behavior

  • Education
    • 2022

      Ph D, Organizational Behavior

      Case Western Reserve University

      Dissertation/Thesis Title — "Meeting Grievers Where They Are: The Effects of Interactions at Work Following a Personal Loss on Grievers’ Sense of Connection, Meaning at Work, and Growth"

    • 2014

      MS, Leadership and Organizational Psychology

      BI Norwegian Business School

      Dissertation/Thesis Title — "Growth Through Connectivity"

    • 2007

      BS, Business Administration - Management

      Christopher Newport University

  • Awards and Honors
    • 2021

      Case Western Reserve University

      Don Wolfe Scholarship

    • 2019

      Case Western Reserve University

      Weatherhead School of Management Undergraduate Teaching Award Nominee

    • 2019

      Case Western Reserve University

      Sherm Grinnell Scholarship

  • Intellectual Contributions
    • 2022

      "Citizenship ambivalence: Its nature, causes and consequences"

      T. Kelemen, W. Turnley, D. Bergeron, K. Rochford, J. Hinz

      Human Resource Management Review, volume 32, issue 4

    • 2021

      "Toward a pedagogy of connection: A critical view of being relational in listening"

      J. Hinz, J. Stephens, E. Van Oosten

      Management Learning, volume 53, issue 1, p. 76-97