Dr. Dessalegn Guyo

Assistant Professor
Dr. Dessalegn Guyo - profile photo

Dr. Dessalegn Guyo

Assistant Professor

Social Work

Cushwa Hall 3164

phone: (330) 941-3337



Dessalegn N. Guyo (Ph.D., MSW) is an assistant professor of social work at Youngstown State University Ohio from January 2022 to the present. He was an Associate Professor of Master of Social Work at Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota (November 2020- June 2022). He has 18 years plus teaching, research and community service nationally and internationally
His research areas are on multi-sectoral and multi-stakeholder child protection networks and practices, indigenous adoption practices of Oromo society, women's roles and statuses in agro-industry, child vulnerability indicators in poor households in urban centers, context-based community development approaches, and social work practice with immigrants.

Research Interests

child protection, adoption, implicit bias and its management, social work teaching and practices, indigenous knowledge, Immigration and adaptation

Teaching Interests

Social Research Methods, Statistics, social policy, Integrated foundations, social work groups, Oppression and diversity in social work, Business skills in social work, Practice evaluations, Trauma Informed Care

  • Education
    • 2014

      Ph D, Social work and Social Development

      Addis Ababa University

      Dissertation/Thesis Title — "Rigorous Beginning and ‘Dead Ends’: Community-based Child Protection Network in Adama City"

    • 2006

      MA, Social Work

      Addis Ababa University, School of Social Work

      Dissertation/Thesis Title — "Guddifachaa/ Adoption Practice as Community based child problem Intervention: Case of Ada'a Liban District "

  • Intellectual Contributions
    • 2023

      "Utilizing Professional Expertise in Post-Conflict Reconstruction: Strategic Interventions Preparation for Crisis Mitigation in Oromia"

      D. Guyo

      Journal of Oromo Studies (JOS), volume (MNS-ID-JOS-2023-0018.R1), issue 1, p. 133-150

    • 2019


      D. Guyo

      , volume Block 2, issue 1, p. 71

    • 2011

      "Insights from participatory development approach in Ethiopia: analysis of testimonies and field practices"

      D. Guyo, W. Kebede, M. Getu

    • 2010

      "GUDDIFACHAA PRACTICE: As Community Based Child Problem Intervention in Oromo of Ada'a Liban"

      D. Guyo

      VDM Verlag Dr. Müller, DVM publication, p. 120

  • Professional Service
    • 2024 - 2024

      Youngstown State University Quest 2024: a Forum for Student Scholarship

    • 2024 - 2024

      Reviewer, Journal Article
      Journal of Human Rights and Social Work

    • 2023 - 2023

      Reviewer, Journal Article
      Journal of Human Rights and Social Work

    • 2022 - present

      Council Of social work Education

    • 2017 - present

      Oromo Studies Association

  • Public Service
    • 2023 - 2023

      United Way

    • 2023 - present

      Committee Member
      Oromo Intellectual society

    • 2022 - present

      Evergreen Seventh Day Adventist church

    • 2020 - present

      Global Oromo Advocacy Group - Eastern USA

    • 2018 - 2020

      Board Member
      Oromo Community Organization

    • 2017 - 2022

      Guest Speaker
      Torture Abolition And Survivors Support Coalition International