YSU Women's Club marks golden anniversary

The Youngstown State University Women’s Club celebrates its 50th year with a variety of events, including a Campus Pink Out, the Penguin Waddle and a Brown Bag Lunch Series.
The club supports scholarships and programs to meet community needs, cultivate social relations and afford opportunity for intellectual improvement. Since 1980, the club has awarded nearly $80,000 in scholarships.
Events planned for the year include:
- Sunday, Sept. 30, 2 p.m., Fall Tea, Youngstown Country Club.
- Friday, Oct. 19, Campus Pink Out for National Mammography Day.
- Saturday, Oct. 20, 3:30 p.m., tailgate.
- Thursday, Dec. 6, 11:30 a.m., Christmas Luncheon/Silent Auction, St. Columba Hall.
- March, International Women’s Day, YWCA. A Women’s Night Out event that encourages diversity, recognizes the uniqueness of various cultures and, most importantly, celebrates women. Featuring fashion, food and music from around the world.
- April, Un-Happy Hour, YWCA. A networking mixer marking “Equal Pay Day” and raising awareness of the gender wage gap in the workplace. Women earn 80 cents for every $1 a man of equal position earns. The gap is even greater for most women of color.
- Thursday, April 25, 11:30 am, Scholarship Luncheon, DeBartolo Stadium Club.
- Saturday, May 18, Baby Shower, YWCA.
- Saturday, July 13, Penguin Waddle 5k/2 Mile Walk.
The club is also hosting a Brown Bag Lunch Series in the Presidential Suites of Kilcawley Center at noon on the following dates: Tuesday, Oct. 9; Thursday, Nov. 15; Tuesday, Feb. 12, Mindfulness with Maureen Lauer-Gatta, Trumbull Yoga Room; Tuesday, March 19; Tuesday, April 9, Self Defense with Officer Donald L. Cox II (tentative).
Membership in the YSU Women’s Club is open to all YSU affiliated women, including current and retired female employees; wives/widows/female partners of all current or retired employees; female alumni and friends of the YSU Women’s Club; honorary memberships to YSU female presidents; wives/female partners of all past presidents; female members of the Board of Trustees both current and past, along with wives/female partners of all past and present Board of Trustees members.
President of the club is Crystal Hawthorne, coordinator of Teacher Licensure Education in the Beeghly College of Education, with Ellen Tressel as honorary president. Other officers include Shanna Blinn, an academic advisor in the Beeghly College, as president-elect, and Monica Temnick, administrative assistant in Registration and Records, as corresponding secretary.