YSU unveils innovative Foreign Language program

Youngstown State University announces the launch of its reimagined Foreign Language Program, integrating the benefits of teacher-led instruction with cutting edge online resources. This dynamic approach aims to provide students with a comprehensive language education, fostering conversational fluency and understanding in Spanish, French, German, Chinese and Italian.

The program combines the expertise of YSU's faculty with the language learning platform, Rosetta Stone, to offer students a multi-layered learning experience. Through this collaboration, outside of working with their professors, students will have access to interactive online lessons, immersive activities and unlimited, one-on-one, and small group tutoring opportunities with native speakers.

Interim Provost Jennifer Pintar expressed excitement about the program's potential impact on students' academic journey, stating, "Our reimagined Foreign Language Program reflects YSU's commitment to innovation and excellence in education. By leveraging both traditional instruction and cutting-edge technology, we are equipping students with the skills and cultural competency needed to thrive in today's interconnected world."

"This hybrid approach not only facilitates flexible learning but also fosters a deeper understanding of language,” stated Charlie Howell, dean of the Beeghly College of Liberal Arts, Social Sciences, and Education. “We believe that this immersive experience will empower our students to become global citizens and effective communicators in an increasingly diverse society."

"Our faculty are dedicated to providing students with a rich and engaging learning experience,” said Jeff Buchanan, Chair of the Department of English and World Languages. “They are creating a dynamic environment where students can thrive and develop functional conversational skills in a chosen language."

The scalable program is a series of two 3-credit courses that will meet foreign language requirements and offer students a conversational learning experience. The first classes in the new program will be offered starting with the Fall 2024 semester. There is potential for additional languages to be added as needs are identified.

The reimagined Foreign Language Program represents a step forward in language education, offering students a transformative learning experience that prepares them for success in an ever-evolving global landscape.