YSU revives Cisco Academy, classes run May 22 to July 27

Youngstown State University is announcing the opportunity for networking and information technology professionals, as well as YSU students, to obtain certifications through the Cisco Academy on campus.
“By reviving this program at YSU, we become part of the worldwide Cisco training network and are able to provide a curriculum that has proven to help kick start and advance the careers of IT professionals,” said Jim Yukech, YSU interim associate vice president and chief information officer.
During the 10-week course, attendees receive certification in two areas, Certified Network Associate and Certified Network Associate-Wireless. Classes will be on campus, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Thursday, May 22 to July 27.
Cisco Academy is an IT skills and career building program available to learning institutions and individuals worldwide. From secondary schools to universities to community organizations, more than 9,000 institutions in 170-plus countries offer the Cisco curriculum. Since 1997, more than 5 million students worldwide have received Cisco training. Cisco says that nearly 70 percent of its students go on to a new or better job, increased responsibilities and/or higher pay.
The Cisco Network Technician Program at YSU is non-credit and consists of three main topic areas: Interconnecting Network Devices 1, Interconnecting Network Devices 2 and CCNA Wireless. The topic areas are based on Cisco Systems’ CCNA Program and will be taught using Cisco-certified curriculum.
CCNA is an entry-level certification which validates the ability to install, configure, operate and troubleshoot medium-size routed and switched networks, including implementation and verification of connections to remote sites in a WAN (Wide Area Network).
CCNA-Wireless certification validates the candidate’s skills in the configuration, implementation and support of wireless LANs (Local Area Networks), specifically those networks using CISCO equipment. Students completing the recommended CISCO training are provided with information and practice activities to prepare them for configuring, monitoring and troubleshooting basic tasks of a CISCO Wireless Local Area Network in SMB and Enterprise networks.
For more information or to register, visit www.ysu.edu/cisco.