YSU "Law Day" Oct. 24 draws law school reps

Youngstown State University’s annual Law Day, sponsored by the Department of Politics and International Relations and the Rigelhaupt Pre-Law Center, will return to Kilcawley Center’s Presidential Suite 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Monday, Oct. 24.
The event is free and open to the public. At Law Day, representatives from various law schools will be in attendance to field questions concerning law that student attendees may have. Student attendees will also obtain details regarding law school programs as well as catalogs. Student applications can be obtained along with information pertaining to financial aid. The students who attend Law Day will also learn about the Law School Admissions test.
For more information, call 330-941-3436 or Paul Sracic, department chair, at 330 -941-1672.