YSU HR student group wins national recognition

Youngstown State University’s student chapter of the Society for Human Resource Management has received the 2016-17 Outstanding Student Chapter Award, the highest award given by the national association.
YSU placed in the top 4 percent of SHRM groups nationally. There are 327 student chapters across the nation.
The YSU Student Chapter was led this past academic year by graduating seniors Katina Landgraff of Washington, Pa., President; Jordan Michael Vigorito of Girard, Ohio, Vice-President; Danielle Lanterman of Mineral Ridge, Ohio, Treasurer; and junior Taylor Demyan of Brooklyn, Ohio, Secretary. Faculty advisors from the Department of Management are Rebecca Badawy and Kimberly Pleva.
“Over the past two and a half years that I've been a member of YSU SHRM, I've become close to several of my peers because of the time spent in this amazing organization,” said Landgraff. “My favorite memory is attending the Ohio HR Conference this past September with three fellow SHRM-Guins. Learning more about a field we are all so passionate about was one of the best experiences of my life. When you meet a group of people that have the same passions as you, the conversations are simply inspiring and almost endless.”
Susan Post, SHRM-SCP, East Divisional Director at SHRM and the lead for SHRM’s Student Programs, said: “These chapters truly represent the future of the HR profession. Their achievements go above and beyond their everyday academic and work commitments, and we applaud the positive impact their efforts have on their schools, their local communities and beyond.”
The SHRM student chapter merit award program was created to encourage student chapters to require ongoing excellence in the following areas: student chapter requirements, chapter operations, chapter programming and professional development of members, support of the human resource profession and SHRM engagement.
SHRM student chapters have the opportunity to earn an award based on the number of activities they complete during the merit award cycle.
The mission of YSU SHRM is to provide Youngstown State University students with the opportunity to gain knowledge and insight into the effective management of human capital in the field of Human Resource Management through affiliation with the Western Reserve SHRM Chapter and the National SHRM organization.
For more information, contact Badawy at 330-941-3219 and rbadawy@ysu.edu.