YSU enacts additional anti-hazing measures

Youngstown State University is implementing several new rules and initiatives in response to Ohio’s new anti-hazing law.
The new statute, known as Collin’s Law, went into effect Oct. 6 and, among other things, mandates stronger consequences for hazing, both from a university student conduct perspective and from a criminal perspective.
Joy Polkabla Byers, YSU associate vice president of Student Experience, said the YSU Office of Community Standards & Student Conduct has developed a new sanctioning rubric for hazing cases which includes sanctions for individuals and organizations based on the nature of the hazing incident.
Additionally, YSU will develop a new website to communicate any hazing incidents on campus in a five-year period, she said.
“The law also expands the list of officials who are required to report hazing to university police and local law enforcement, with penalties up to a 1st degree misdemeanor for failing to do so,” Polkabla Byers said.
She said all members of the YSU community are now required to report any suspected incidents of hazing using this form: https://cm.maxient.com/reportingform.php?YoungstownStateUniv&layout_id=15
Additionally, all YSU students, advisors, faculty, staff and volunteers are now required to complete a new 20-minute “Recognize and Prevent Hazing” training module before they will be permitted to participate in or advise any student organization (i.e. Greek Life, club sport or any other registered student organization) or university program (i.e. Student Government, student media, Marching Pride, athletics, Honors College, theater, among others).