YSU celebrates 75th Homecoming with Kings and Queens, past and present

Youngstown State University celebrates its 75th annual Homecoming Oct. 12 to 17, featuring the return of more than 30 past Homecoming kings and queens dating to the 1960s. Festivities include the annual Homecoming parade up Fifth Avenue at 2 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 17, followed by the Homecoming football game against South Dakota State at 4 p.m. in Stambaugh Stadium. A complete schedule of events during Homecoming week. Past Homecoming kings expected to attend are: Kingsley Ansah, 2012 Tyler Brentley, 2013 Paul Brubaker, 1981 Mark McDonough, 1995 Samuel McKinney, 1987 Ryan McNicholas, 2002 John Quintana, 1992 Scott Smith, 1985 Ron Strollo, 1991 Everet Thompson, 2014 Jonathan Zacharias, 2003 George Zokle, 2001 Past Homecoming queens expected to attend are: Alyssa (Pignatelli) Armeni, 1990 Rebecca Banks, 2014 Jacquelyn (Roche) Burgan, 1971 Annette Castor, 1985 Tricia (Defelice) Catcott, 1996 Maria (Wright) Ceraolo, 2002 Evelyn (Kun) Crawford, 1972 Krista Cunningham, 2009 Linda Elam, 1984 Katie (Etheredge) Fetty, 1995 Kristin (Serroka) Garesche, 2001 Sarah Gavalier, 2006 Leslie Lewis, 1984 Janel (Finch) Liles, 2005 Tiffany Lyden, 2007 Tamara Tabak Pusateri, 1967 Laura (Morris) Robich, 1981 Melinda Ropar Birdsall, 1979 Jeanne E. Sattler, 1991 Krista Schmied, 2003 Mary (Loncar) Stanley, 1963 Ilona (Johnson) Sudimack, 1966 Melissa Wasser, 2013 Emily Wollet, 2008