YSU Board of Trustees summary, Dec. 16, 2015

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The following is a summary of the YSU Board of Trustees’ regular quarterly meeting in the Trustees Meeting Room on the first floor of Tod Hall. For more details, including full texts of the resolutions and policies, click here. Oath of Office for new trustee, Charles R. Bush. President’s report: President Jim Tressel reported that the Fall semester has been exciting, highlighted by the university's first-ever Ignite program for incoming freshmen, mild weather that caused a lot of "smiles and sunshine," a Student Government Association "very, very engaged with many things," and a record number of prospective students and their families visiting campus. The semester culminated with the naming of Ashley Orr as YSU's first-ever Rhodes Scholar and the performance of the YSU Wind Ensemble at Carnegie Hall in New York. The Board approved the following resolutions: Academic Quality and Student Success Resolution to modify Academic Senate Policy. The policy outlines the responsibilities of the Academic Senate and includes minimal changes, including updating the name of the board committee responsible for the policy, aligning the policy with the new numbering system and indicating the next review date. Resolution to modify Development and Assessment of Student Tuition and Fees Policy. The policy outlines the procedures the board uses to review and approve tuition and fees. There are minimal changes, including referencing changes permitted by state law, updating the name of the board committee responsible for the policy, aligning the policy with the new numbering system and indicating the next review date. Resolution to rescind Continuing Education Unit Policy. The policy explains that, in the past, continuing education units were conducted through the Metro College, which has been eliminated. Resolution to modify Honorary Degrees and Commencement Speakers Policy. The policy says the board will review and authorize the list from which commencement speakers and honorary degree candidates will be recommended by the academic events committee to the president. Resolution to approve Partial Waiver of Dual Enrollment Tuition Resolution to approve Master of Athletic Training Degree. Athletic Training is a growing profession; employment of athletic trainers is projected to rise 19 percent from 2012-2022. Currently, there are no institutions in the northeast Ohio region that offers a master’s degree in Athletic Training. Surveys conducted by the YSU Human Performance and Exercise Science department indicate a need for the program. Approval will now be sought from the Ohio Department of Higher Education. Resolution to approve Master of Fine Arts in Interdisciplinary Visual Arts Degree. There are only a few comparable programs in the nation. The program is unique in that it recognizes and corroborates the ever-increasing diversity of media, methods and viewpoints blended with a cross-disciplinary approval to art making modes of distribution. Surveys conducted by the Department of Art indicate the need for the program. Approval will now be sought from the Ohio Department of Higher Education. Resolution to approve Reporting of Evaluation of Low Enrollment Courses and Programs. New state law requires that board of trustees of each state university evaluate all courses and programs based on enrollment and student performance. For courses with low enrollment, as defined by the chancellor, boards are asked to evaluate the benefits of delivering the courses through a regional collaboration. Evaluations are to be completed by Jan. 1, 2016, and by the first day of January every fifth year thereafter. Institutional Engagement Resolution to modify Display of the Flag of the United State of America Policy. Modifications reflect changes in the names of university divisions and positions. Resolution to modify Electronic Media Rights Policy. Modifications reflect changes in the names of university divisions and positions. Resolution to confirm appointment of University Member to the Board of Directors of the Northeastern Educational Television of Ohio Inc. Western Reserve Public Media is owned and operated by Northeastern Educational Television of Ohio Inc. NETO is a consortium of the University of Akron, Kent State and YSU. NETO is advised by a community-based board. NETO bylaws require that the Board of Trustees confirm the president’s appointment to the board. President Tressel appoints Cary Wecht, associate dean, College of Creative Arts and Communication, to the board. Resolution to accept Alumni Engagement and WYSU Memberships. The board accepts 770 memberships from the University Alumni Society and WYSU members totaling $61,601 through the first quarter of FY 2016. Resolution to name Venues in the Veterans Resource Center. YSU named the following venues in the Veterans Resource Center, including the amount of donation: The James and Coralie Centofanti Charitable Foundation Community Room ($200,000); the Walter and Betsy Fyda Day Room ($151,000); the John M. MacIntosh Jr. Conference Room ($146,896); The Brier Hill Room ($100,000, named by John and Denise DeBartolo York); and the Computer Laboratory ($100,000, named by Flor “Shorty” Navarro in honor of an alumnus to be named later). Finance and Facilities Resolution to modify Chargebacks Policy. The resolution is being reviewed as part of the regular five-year schedule and has been revised to conform to the numbering format prescribed by the Ohio Legislative Service Commission. There are no material changes to the policy. Resolution to modify Identity Theft Red Flags Policy. The resolution is being reviewed as part of the regular five-year schedule and has been revised to conform to the numbering format prescribed by the Ohio Legislative Service Commission. There are no material changes to the policy. Resolution to approve Partial Waiver of Dual Enrollment Tuition. The resolution establishes a uniform tuition structure for all students enrolling in dual enrollment courses, regardless of the source of the tuition payment. Resolution to authorize the Leasing of University Land for Student Housing and Retail Development. Under the resolution, YSU will lease 1.8 acres of property at the corner of Lincoln and Wick avenues to LRC Realty to construct a 91,000-square-foot, five-story facility with retail development on the first floor and student housing on the top four floors. The development is expected to be open by the start of Fall Semester classes in 2017. The lease must still be approved by the state. Resolution to modify Electronic Information Technology Accessibility Policy. Per the Resolution Agreement with the Department of Education, Office of Civil Rights, YSU timely submitted an EIT policy for review. The DOE/OCR requested minimal changes, including clarifying who the policy applies to and what defines a disability. The changes have been made to the policy. Resolution to approve Unmanned Aircraft (Drones and Model Aircraft) Policy. With the growing use of drones and other unmanned aircraft systems, YSU has developed a new policy governing use of such systems on campus. The policy identifies the Federal Aviation Administration as the lead agency for regulation. YSU’s Office of Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety is designated to draft required procedures and instruction for UAS use and to approve such use on or above campus property. The policy establishes prohibitions on the use of UAS where, for example, there is a reasonable expectation of privacy. Resolution to approve Room Rental Rates for the University Courtyard Apartments, Effective Fall Semester 2016. Rental rates will increase 3 to 3.5 percent, providing additional revenue needed to maintain the apartments and fund auxiliary overhead charge. Housing Services will offer a renewal program that will enable current residents to lock into the current year’s rental rates for 2016-17 academic year. Resolution to approve Interfund Transfers. Parking Services is requesting a transfer of $1.5 million from the Parking Services Plant Reserve to fund a safety update project to the M-1 Parking Deck, including lighting, staining and repairs. Resolution to renew and amend the Internal Audit Charter. Two substantive changes: Additional language ensuring that a risk assessment is included in the scope of work, and additional language clarifying that Internal Audit may engage a third party in instances where specialized skills or expertise may be required. University Affairs Resolution to approve the selection of the Position for Dean of the College of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. The resolution appoints Wim F.A. Steelant to the position. Steelant is vice president for Research and dean of Science at St. Thomas University in Miami Gardens, Fla. Resolution to approve a Memorandum of Understanding Amending the Retirement Incentive Plan Set Forth in the Agreement Between YSU and the YSU-OEA, 2014-17. The MOU allows the opportunity for current tenured faculty members to receive a retirement incentive provided that they have completed 25 years of service by Aug. 11, 2015, or 20 years of service by Aug. 15, 2016. Resolution to rescind Payment of Employee Serving as University Consultant Policy. The policy is being rescinded because entering into a separate employment contract with the university when already employed violates ethics laws, except in very limited circumstances. While the policy has been in effect, there have been no circumstances of its use. Resolution to rescind Supplementary Pay for Faculty Teaching at Distant Off-Campus Sites Policy. The policy applies only to faculty and the language is duplicated in the collective bargaining agreement with the faculty. Resolution to modify and retitle Supplemental Pay Policy. The policy clarifies that supplemental pay is only to be used in defined circumstances, is for faculty and professional/administrative staff only and for a limited duration of time, with exceptions approved by the president. Resolution to modify and retitle Supplemental Pay from Grants and Sponsored Programs for Faculty and Professional/Administrative Staff Policy. Revisions include moving the policy under the new Office of Research, clarifying language to reflect current organizational structure, providing consistency with related university policies and updating external references to reflect current federal policy. Resolution to ratify Personnel Actions. The resolution includes actions on appointments, separations, promotions and salary adjustments. Chairperson's remarks: Chair Carole Weimer thanked everyone at the university for their hard work, much of which she said takes place behind the scenes and goes unrecognized. She thanked employees for their "extra jobs, extra hours, extra duties" to make YSU the fine institution it is. The chair also congratulated President Tressel for his induction into the College Football Hall of Fame. And, she wished everyone happy holidays and good health in the new year. Meetings: The board set the following times/dates for future meetings: 2 p.m. Wednesday, March 16, 2016; 3 p.m. Wednesday, June 15, 2016; and 3 p.m. Wednesday, Sept. 21, 2016. Adjournment