YSU ACE awards scholarships

The Youngstown State University Association of Classified Employees has awarded $750 in scholarships to four YSU Students; $300 to Amanda Cutlip of Youngstown, majoring in Accounting, and $150 each to Alexis Fisher of Youngstown, majoring in Biology; Ahlam Mishmish of Boardman, majoring in Nursing; and Brigitte Petras of Campbell, majoring in Geology and Art History.
“Students are our number one priority,” said Connie Frisby, administrative assistant in the Office of Computer Science & Information Systems and YSU-ACE president. “Many former/present YSU-ACE employees have made and continue to make donations to the scholarship through the YSU Foundation.”
Applicants must have completed at least 30 semester hours at YSU and have documented financial need. They must submit an essay discussing the value of his/her employment at YSU, their community service, and two recommendation letters from YSU-ACE members.
For more information on the scholarship, contact Anthony Spano at 330-941-2669 or avspano@ysu.edu. Donations to the scholarship can be sent to the ACE Scholarship Fund at the YSU Foundation.