Workshop focuses on Deep Learning and Big Data

Deep Learning, an emerging developed computing technology that has been proven to compete with humans in many areas such as chess playing and car driving, is the topic of a workshop 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Wednesday and Thursday, Feb. 7 and 8, in Meshel Hall on the campus of Youngstown State University.
The two-day workshop is presented by the YSU Department of Computer Science and Information Services in collaboration with the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment and the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center.
This workshop introduces basic topics in Deep Learning and Big Data and features using popular tools in hands-on exercises, including Hadoop, Spark and TensorFlow.
YSU is among only 25 sites nationwide that will offer the workshop. Among other sites is University of California-Los Angeles, University of Michigan, Yale Center for Research Computing and Arizona State University.
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