Tours, demos, meeting students/faculty featured in WCBA Open House Jan. 27

The Williamson College of Business Administration at Youngstown State University hosts an Open House for prospective students 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 27, in Williamson Hall, 221 North Hazel Street on campus.
Check in begins at 9 a.m. followed by a college overview by Dean Betty Jo Licata at 9:30 a.m.
Participants will meet current students, faculty and staff to learn about WCBA majors, leadership activities, professional development experiences and career opportunities. The Open House features demonstrations by faculty, staff and students, including the Financial Services Lab, Professional Sales Lab, Center for Career Management and Student Services. Visitors will also have the opportunity to tour the state-of-the-art, $34 million, 110,000-square-foot business school. Lunch will be provided followed by campus and residence hall tours for those interested.
Information on majors in accounting, advertising/public relations, business administration, business economics, finance, human resource management, international business, information and supply chain management, and marketing will be available.
To make a reservation, visit For additional information, call the Student Service Center in the Williamson College of Business Administration at 330-941-2376. Free parking is located directly across the street from the southern entrance to Williamson Hall on Wood Street.