Tax Institute seminar June 16 on campus

The Youngstown State University Tax Institute, offered by the Williamson College of Business Administration, is 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Friday, June 16, in Williamson Hall at YSU.
The seminar is designed for practicing accountants, enrolled agents or tax preparers who want to stay current on tax regulations and laws, and gain insight into tax planning techniques.
Conference sessions include: Estate Planning: Top Ten 2017 Estate Planning and Estate Tax Developments with Tom Lodge; IRS Update with LaTanya Bacon from the IRS; Ohio & Pennsylvania Tax Issues with Therese Boris and Elizabeth Russo from the Ohio Department of Taxation and Ben DiGirolamo from Hill, Barth & King; Pass Through Entities with Lisa Loychik from Cohen and Company; Retirement Planning with Dan Betts from Morgan Stanley; and Current Developments – Cases & Rulings with Jim Rosa and Nick Demetrios from Hill, Barth & King.
The Accountancy Boards of Ohio and Pennsylvania have approved the Institute for 8 hours of continuing professional education credit under the category of tax. Continuing education for Enrolled Agents and Tax Preparers is approved through the IRS.
Free parking is available in the M3 lot on West Rayen Avenue. To register and to obtain the program agenda, visit Register by June 8 and receive the early bird rate of $190 after June 8, registration is $210. Registration fee includes participation in the Institute, outline book and lunch. Registration cannot be refunded after June 12, 2017. For additional information, call 330-941-3064.
The Williamson College of Business Administration is offering additional seminars and courses in 2017 as a part of a strategic initiative to bring high quality, in-demand professional development and continuing education programming to the region. Upcoming accounting continuing education courses include: Annual Accounting and Auditing Update on August 11, Annual Government and Not for Profit Seminar on September 15 and the Annual Tax Update on November 17.