Summers Honors Institute week of July 8; application deadline April 6

Application deadline is April 6 for the Youngstown State University Summer Honors Institute.
SHI, which offers gifted and talented students the opportunity to explore and discover new information in a wide range of disciplines, is the week of July 8 on the YSU campus.
The event offers courses developed by university faculty with the dual purpose of introducing students to a specific discipline that is not available to them in high school and providing activities designed for more in-depth study. Courses are also designed to provide a high degree of student interaction using a variety of "hands-on" activities.
Courses include Crime Scene Analysis, Rapid Prototyping, Robotics, Healthcare in the 21st Century, Documentary Filmmaking, Acoustic Ecology & Soundscapes, Coding Python with Raspberry Pi, Making a Difference Before Making a Profit, Math & Magic, Don’t Be Nervous: It’s Just the Way You Move, The City of You: Branding, Advertising & Communications, & Exploring Youngstown and Its People.
Commuter and residential options are available. There is a $100 (nonrefundable) participation fee for commuter students, which covers lunches for the week and dinner on Thursday. Parking is available in University lots at the daily rate.
The residential option for students wanting to spend the week on campus costs $385, which includes meals, room and linens. Structured learning activities are offered each night. Residential students check-in on the afternoon of Sunday, July 8.
Student eligibility for SHI is either formal identification as gifted and talented or meeting at least one of the qualifications for admission to the YSU Honors College. Eligible participants must be entering 10th, 11th or 12th grade during the 2018-19 academic year.
Application packets and course descriptions are available on the YSU Summer Honors Institute website and must be received no later than April 6. The fee may be paid online or by mailing a check or money order with the application. Applications are processed and course assignments made after payments are received. Course assignments will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.
For more information, contact SHI program assistant Sharyn Fees at