Risk management process focuses on "collaboration, trust and transparency"

The newly-formed 19-member Youngstown State University Risk Council meets for the first time on June 4 as part of a campus-wide effort to better identify and manage events that have the potential to cause harm to the university’s overall operations.
The council will oversee implementation of an Enterprise Risk Management process across the university aimed at creating a culture on campus that is more aware of the various risks facing the university and better prepared to proactively reduce the chance of loss.
“There are numerous and continuing threats to the financial, technological and operational functions of the university,” said Sue Viglione, YSU risk management officer. “This approach will allow us to better prioritize risks, protect resources and reduce the chance of loss.”
Viglione and Sarah Gampo, YSU internal auditor, have met with 30 individuals across campus to discuss ERM and to gather input on identifying an initial list of potential risks that will be placed into a Risk Registry. Among those interviewed were President Jim Tressel, vice presidents Neal McNally and Holly Jacobs, Academic Senate President Chet Cooper and all college deans.
The Risk Council will evaluate and rank activities in the Risk Registry, determining the likelihood and potential impact of a negative event occurring. The council will then identify an individual to lead the implementation of a formal, updated mitigation plan. Finally, the council will evaluate the controls that are put into place.
“While ERM is not a silver bullet to eliminate risk, it provides the opportunity for a long-term, cultural shift to address new and emerging threats, to better focus on and understand the university’s mission, and to create an environment of collaboration, trust and transparency,” Viglione said.
Members of the Risk Council are:
Cindy Kravitz, director, Equal Opportunity.
Chris Wentz, associate director, ISO.
Dan Sahli, director, Environmental, Occupational, Health and Safety.
Shawn Varso, police chief.
Ann Gardner, assistant director, International Programs.
Rosalyn Donaldson, manager, Training Development.
Ross Morrone, director, Marketing.
Lisa Reichert, associate controller.
Erin Driscoll, director, Student Activities.
Jeanne Herman, registrar.
Rich White, director, Planning & Construction.
Ashley Riggleman, assistant director, Research.
Tim Stuart, assistant director, Athletics.
Marilyn Ward, budget Academic Affairs.
Becky Varian, director, Student Progress.
Keisha Robinson, faculty, Health Professions.
Tim Wagner, faculty and chair, Chemistry.
Sarah Gampo, director, Internal Audit.
Sue Viglione, Risk Management officer.