Research Professorships, 2017-18

The following faculty members have been awarded Research Professorships for the 2017-18 academic year:
Dr. Kathleen Aspiranti, Counseling, Special Education, and School Psychology. “Investigating the use of the Color Wheel System to decrease disruptive behavior in children with intellectual and developmental disabilities in inclusive and self-contained classroom settings” -- Awarded 9 Hours
Dr. Snjezana Balaz, Physics and Astronomy. “Investigation of Charge Transfer in Organic Interfaces” -- Awarded 6 Hours
Dr. Ganesaratnam Balendiran, Chemistry. “Role of Fibrates and Like Molecules in Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases” -- Awarded 9 Hours
Dr. Philip Brady, English. “Phantom Signs: A Life in Universe City” -- Awarded 6 Hours
Dr. Kyosung Choo, Mechanical and Industrial Engineering. “Heat Transfer Enhancement of Steel Pipe” -- Awarded 6 Hours
Dr. Douglas Genna, Chemistry. “Removal of Common Water Contaminants using Select Porous Materials” -- Awarded 9 Hours
Dr. Johanna Krontiris-Litowitz, Biology. “Inserting Quantitative Literacy into the Human Physiology Lab Curriculum” – Awarded 9 Hours
Dr. Yongung Kwon, Human Performance and Exercise Science. “Nondestructive Surface Electromyography Assessment of Lower Extremity Muscles during the Star Excursion Balance Test for Individuals with Chronic Ankle Instability” -- Awarded 6 Hours
Dr. Sara Michaliszyn, Human Performance and Exercise Science. “Physical activities effects on obesity and obesity related-comorbidities” -- Awarded 9 Hours
Dr. Xiangjia Min, Biological Sciences. “Expanding the plant alternative splicing database” -- Awarded 6 Hours
Dr. Moon Nguyen, Mathematics and Statistics. “Ohio Extreme Weather Forecast using Hidden Markov Model” -- Awarded 6 Hours
Dr. Gang Peng, Management. “How Does Information Technology Substitute or Complement Human Capital? A Dynamic Approach from the Task Perspective” -- Awarded 6 Hours
Dr. Steven Reale, Dana School of Music. “A Musical Atlas of Hyrule: Video Games and Spatial Listening” -- Awarded 6 Hours
Dr. Jae Joong Ryu, Mechanical Engineering. “Influence of biochemical environment on synovial lubrication and surface wear of prosthetic knee joints” -- Awarded 9 Hours
Dr. Christina Saenger, Marketing. “Examining the Role of Brand Trust in Consumer Responses to Native Advertising” -- Awarded 6 Hours
Dr. Bonita Sharif, CSIS. "An eye tracking experiment summarizing API elements using code and documentation” -- Awarded 9 Hours
Dr. Suresh Sharma, Civil/Environmental and Chemical Engineering. “Investigating Temporal and Spatial Variability of flow and Salinity Level in the Mentor Marsh Watershed” -- Awarded 9 Hours
Dr. Bradley A. Shellito, Geography. “The Introducing ArcGIS Pro Book” -- Awarded 9 Hours
Dr. Doori Song, Marketing. “Creating Charitable Messages for Nonprofit Organizations: A District Message Strategy for Raising Money versus Time” – Awarded 6 Hours
Dr. Ying (Joy) Tang, Psychology. “Emotion Map: A mobile tool for emotion regulation and counseling services improvement” -- Awarded 9 Hours
Dr. Emre Ulusoy, Marketing. “The Symbiotic Interplay of the Market and Subcultures” -- Awarded 6 Hours
Dr. Cicilia Yudha, Dana School of Music. “Tracing the French and Indonesian Musical Lineages Since the 1900s” -- Awarded 6 Hours