Mock disaster drill held on campus

More than 150 Nursing and Respiratory Care students at Youngstown State University participated in a mock disaster drill April 6 in the Chestnut Room of Kilcawley Center.
The annual exercise helps prepare the campus in the event of a medical emergency in the area. This year’s drill focused on distribution of medication in response to a mock Anthrax outbreak. Molly Roche and Wendy Thomas, Department of Nursing faculty organized the event.
“The purpose of the training is to prepare us for a communicable disease outbreak or terrorist attack,” said Thomas. “We as a University will be able to respond and provide care and medication for our students, faculty and staff.”
The drill was held in partnership with the Mahoning County District Board of Health to establish YSU as a closed unit for public health assistance in case of a disaster.
A closed unit means that the needed medication would be provided to YSU employees and their families instead of waiting in line at the open units run by the county. If an event occurs, the Department of Nursing would lead the YSU point of dispensing where employees could pick up their medication for themselves and their families.
Collaboration with other departments within the college, university administration, the Office of Admissions, Office of Student Support, and YSU Police assisted with the drill. Representatives from Mercy Health and the Youngstown City Health Department will be joining this year.