History center hosts Toolbox Workshop June 15

How to digitize photographs and documents is the subject of a free Toolbox Workshop hosted by the Youngstown Historical Center of Industry and Labor 1 to 2:30 p.m. Saturday, June 15.
Kristin Britanik, digital collections coordinator at the University of Pittsburgh and the founder of Deep Genealogical Services, will demonstrate the basics of digitization for your family or society’s historic photos and documents. The workshop will cover the fundamentals of digitization, image capture techniques, description requirements and storage and access to digital collections.
The center at 151 W. Wood St. adjacent to the Youngstown State University campus hosts Toolbox Workshops throughout the year to provide the region with insight into museum field practices. The programs are coordinated by the Ohio History Service Corps AmeriCorps at YSU.
The workshops are free and open to the public. Registration is encouraged but not required. For more information or to register, contact Brianna Treleven at bltreleven.americorps@gmail.com or 330-941-3459.