Documentary and discussion on sexual assault on campus this week

"The Hunting Ground" an award-winning documentary about sexual assault on college campuses and what its creators say is a failure of college administrations to deal with it adequately, will be screened 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 20, at Youngstown State University. The free screening, open to the public, is in Room 358 of DeBartolo Hall. The university will also host a panel discussion 11 a.m. Friday, April 22, in Room 2212 Williamson Hall on campus. The discussion features Sofie Karasek of End of Rape on Campus, an advocacy group for survivors of sexual assault on campus. Lynn Bilal of the end rape on campus Ohio Alliance to End Sexual Violence will also participate. At noon, Friday, April 22, also in 2212 Williamson, Karasek will present a lecture titled “Title IX and Campus Sexual Violence.” The events are sponsored by YSU Women’s and Gender Studies.