College Choice ranks YSU among Best Online Colleges

Youngstown State University ranks among the Best Online Colleges in Ohio by College Choice.
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College Choice is an independent online publication dedicated to helping students find the right college. It publishes rankings and reviews, as well as resources to help students get into, pay for and succeed at college.
The list was compiled using educational statistics from the National Center for Education Statistics database on retention and graduation rates, enrollment figures, and student-to-faculty ratios. Other factors included the male-to-female ratio, the average accrued student debt, affordability, opportunities for veterans and service members, and career potential after graduation.
YSU offers the following online undergraduate degrees: General Studies; Applied Health/Allied Health; Criminal Justice; Public Health; Nursing/RN-BSN; and Respiratory Care.
YSU offers the following online graduate degrees: Financial Economics; Business Administration; Health and Human Services; Respiratory Care; Criminal Justice, Criminal Justice Management and Program Planning; Engineering, Management option.
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