Alta Head Start and YSU partner for Model Classroom

Alta Head Start and Youngstown State University announced today the opening of an award-winning full-day preschool program on the YSU campus.
The YSU Learning Center Model Classroom, located in Beeghly Hall on campus, will be staffed by Alta Head Start personnel. Alta began operating the Head Start/Early Head Start program for Mahoning County in August 2015. Since then, Alta-operated Head Start locations have earned a 5-Star Rating from the State of Ohio Step Up to Quality program.
“We’re excited to bring our quality preschool program to YSU,” said Joseph Shorokey, executive director of Alta Care Group. “In addition to our experienced staff, the many enhanced services the program offers will be a tremendous benefit to families and their children who live in the area, as well as to YSU students who are parents of young children.”
At the same time, the Model Classroom will serve as a laboratory learning experience for YSU students — providing real-life, hands on training to various university programs such as early education, health and nutrition, and oral health care.
“This is yet another example of a partnership that benefits both the community and our university students,” YSU President Jim Tressel said. “The active personal experience that our students will gain by working with the children and staff in this classroom will serve them well as they move toward graduation and their profession.
Among the enhanced services the Model Classroom at YSU will offer to preschoolers are:
- Health/Nutrition Services
- Speech/Language Screenings
- Hearing screenings
- Vision screenings
- Oral Health Care
- Assist with individual healthcare plans
- Monitoring heights/weights (BMI, overweight, obesity, underweight)
- Nursing services provided
- Mental Health Services
- On-site Social/Emotional/Behavioral support
- Early Child Mental Health Consultants to provide
- Early Intervention Services (academically and socially)
- Social Services
- Family Advocate for every family
- Parent Involvement
Alta Head Start/Early Head Start is a preschool program — licensed by the Ohio Department of Jobs & Family Services — that is designed to improve the quality of life for children ages birth to 5 years old and give them a “Head Start” in education.