THE Dana School of Music Invites You to Join the Middle School Honor Band
January 10-11, 2025
We would like to invite you to nominate your middle school students for the 2025 Middle School Honor Band to be held on the campus of Youngstown State University on January 10 & 11, 2025. This honor band opportunity is open to any middle school student with a director’s nomination in grades 7 or 8. Sixth-grade students may be considered depending on instrumentation and director consultation.
Students will have the opportunity to be on campus and work with YSU faculty, and students throughout the time! Nominations for participation are due no later than December 13, 2024. Directors will be notified of their student's acceptance no later than December 15, and students will need to confirm their participation by December 20.
$30 per participant. Make checks out to Youngstown State University.
YSU will provide lunch on Friday and snacks on both Friday and Saturday.
You may nominate up to 10 students using this registration form. Please list your students in rank order with the top-ranked student listed in the number 1 slot. We will consider your order when creating the band roster.
The deadline to nominate your students is December 13. If you have any questions, feel free to contact us at or