Macte Virtute

After a career spanning 40 years here at YSU, how do Ellen and I possibly begin to sufficiently thank the literally thousands of people we have had the honor to work with on behalf of Youngstown State University?
Ellen’s connection to YSU is lifelong - a native of the Mahoning Valley, a graduate of YSU, with her father serving on the YSU Board of Trustees and both of her parents dedicating so much of their time and treasure to make the university what it is today. I made my way here in 1986 and was thrilled to watch a football program and a university blossom into national prominence; and then after a few years with the Buckeyes in Columbus, I was so privileged and blessed to return to campus in 2014 as president.
It’s been a busy nearly nine years, and together we’ve accomplished much. Graduation rates are up significantly. Supporters have donated record amounts of money. The university scored high marks on its national accreditation report. The number of international students, honors students and student-athletes continues to grow. We are offering more online courses, more student scholarships and more student housing options than ever before. We have partnered with business and industry, created a comprehensive workforce development initiative and won a record-setting number grants. Our students excel in national and international settings. Thousands of our alumni and other supporters volunteer countless hours to numerous causes in our Pete’s Pride initiatives. The list goes on and on.
While Ellen and I appreciate the thanks and pats-on-the-backs that we’ve received for our work, we, in turn, want all of you to know that none of this – none – gets done without the hard, hard work of so many people throughout the campus, the region, the state and beyond. It doesn’t get done without university trustees who are heartfelt and committed to YSU’s continued success; without alumni and donors who see YSU and our students as central to the region’s future; without public officials who appreciate the important role that YSU plays in the Mahoning Valley’s resurgence; without faculty who dedicate themselves to the success of their students both in and out of the classroom; without administrators and staff whose difficult work often goes unnoticed and underappreciated; and, it doesn’t get done without students, whose enthusiasm, energy and youthful drive enlivens campus and inspires us all.
So, as Ellen and I move into our next chapter (and certainly that chapter will continue to include YSU!), we say simply – thank you.
We are always….Y and Proud.
Go Penguins,
Jim and Ellen Tressel